Gundham and Gonta

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1. - They save hurt animals and bugs, helping them heal before they let them out or take care of them forever.

2. -They host funerals for their dead animals.

3. -They love to rant about new things they learn.

4. -They comfort each other when they are feeling down in the dirt.

5. -They sometimes study together when everyone else they know is busy.

6. -They pick up any litter they find on the ground and put it in their right place.

7. -They sometimes sit in quietness for no reason other than to relax. 

8. -They build bird houses together, sometimes with other people they enjoy to.

9. -Gundham puts on little shows with The Four Dark Devas Of Destruction.

10. -Gonta tends to watch over The Four Dark Devas Of Destruction when Gundham takes a test or can't have them around.

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