Miu, Kazuichi and Chihiro

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1. -They fix up Keebo a lot and sometimes add new functions to him.

2. -They blew up their workshop once.

3. -They share one strong brain cell that only works for inventions.

4. -They have accidentally made weapons such as bombs, guns, etc.

5. -They sometimes go on outings, jokingly calling them dates.

6. -Miu sometimes flirts with them randomly, which they usually just stare in confusion at, or ignore.

7. -Kazuichi sometimes rants about Ms. Sonia to them so they call him a simp for it.

8. -Chihiro is the only non-impulsive one in the group, making him the one to make them stop whatever dumb idea they have come to reality.

9. -They usually eat take out or whatever food they made for themselves beforehand when working.

10. -They have made mini robot versions of everyone.

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