CH18: The Elemental Soldier Center

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Blade and Force exited the inn, the bell ringing behind them. The front yard of the inn was full of greenery and flowers, the side street entirely empty. They walked down the cobblestone path between the greenery to the side street. They walked down the gravel path, their feet throwing dust clouds up into the air, Blade walking in slightly bended forwards, still tired, Force on the other hand was walking with a straight back. They could hear voices coming from the main road, they could sometimes see people walking by, in a hurry to get to work or get food for the day. Blade and Force walked to the end of the side street and entered the main road, the sign pointing towards the inn with it's name on it on their left side. The main road was busy, people in their work suits trying to get to work for the measly money they get from it. They went to the right, trying to get to the city square. Loads of people were walking left and right, crossing. They walked through the busy road, pushing through people.

Blade and Force entered the city square, it was almost empty, most people were already working. The city square consisted of a ground of separately placed bricks, placed by the residents themselves. It was a square with four paths going in each direction, around every gravel path were some homes of resident. Nothing else was in it, it was considered the center of the district of Lumera. The sun was shining brightly, the silver drawings on Force's Elemental cloak were glistening in the sunlight.

They both walked to the center of the square, Blade put his hands behind his head and stretched "So, how are we going to do this, is there like some kind of tool that we can use?" Force looked at Blade "Yes there is." He pulled out a dagger with a purple hue, and held it in front of his face, dangling between his thumb and index finger. "There is a miscellaneous Elemental Magic, where drive peoples emotion in certain directions, so we just have to motivate people enough that they want to start a rebellion." "Okay when are we doing this? Blade asked. "In the afternoon, first we have to kill some Elementals."

They walked to the opposite side of the square where they just entered, Force walking followed by a slower Blade. At the end of the square stood a sign with the label ELEMENTAL SOLDIER CENTER on it, next to the label was an arrow pointing to the road next to it. Blade was looking at Force who was looking at the sign "well let's do it." They both began walking in the direction of the center.

Blade and Force were walking towards the big brick building, large dirty windows covered the place, a big steel double door was standing in the center of the wall. Smoke was coming through a big hole on the roof. The roof ended in a bow, the roof was covered in metallic, green painted tiles.

They stopped before the double doors, two Elemental soldiers were guarding the doors. Force turned towards Blade "stay here, I'll do something about them." Blade nodded in response.

Force walked up towards the guards, with a straight back and a neutral expression, the guard on the right stopped him. The guard on the right put his left arm in front of him "stop, can I have your identification number?" Force nodded "yeah, of course." Force put his right hand in a pocket in his cloak and in one well swoop swiped a fire dagger by both persons and burned a hole in their lungs. They both didn't have the time to scream before their lives were taken away from them. Both bodies dropped to the ground, a visible hole emanating from their backs. Force kneeled before on of them, the Elemental cloak still intact, and pulled on the button holding the cloak in place. Force grabbed the cloak and searched in the pocket of the fallen soldier, he pulled out a card with the number #27639 on it. He walked back towards Blade, who couldn't believe what he just saw, two people getting killed in one swoop. Force stood in front of Blade "here put this on and take this." He said as Blade took the cloak and piece of paper. Blade put on the cloak, which was a little short on him and put the number in the pocket of his pants.

They walked inside the building, loads of Elementals were walking around, eating or sitting and talking on the benches in the middle of the room. A fireplace stood in the middle of the farthest wall. "Okay I'm walking to the middle of the room and push everyone to the ground, you follow me and unsheathe your sword, kay?" Force said quietly, Blade nodded. They both went to the middle of the room, Force ate Elemental beads and grabbed his dagger, everyone turned around to look at the duo, they were all confused. Force turned his dagger into a wind dagger and Blade unsheathed his sword, the Elementals were pulling out daggers of their own, they all had anger in their eyes. Force and Blade were standing next to each other, one with a blade in his hand, the other had a shining dagger in his hand. Force had one target, everyone but Blade and himself, he smashed his dagger in the ground. A gust of wind came out of the ground in a circle, like a geyser. Everyone was blown back by the force, every person was blasted against the wall, some cracking was heard and clinks of metal falling to the ground was heard. Blade and Force were left standing as nothing was ever happened. Dozens of people were laying on the ground, their weapons spread beside or before them. "Woah, lookout!" Force exclaimed fast and pushed Blade out of the way, he quickly took an agility potion, and looked at the flames behind him, he jumped over them at the last second. Force jumped over the flames, they disappeared in thin air behind him, only leaving a few ashes swirling in the air. He looked down, searching the person that threw the attack, he found the person and dove for them, he pulled out his dagger.

Blade saw the person that threw the attack and immediately charged the person, he was getting closer, foot by foot, blade in hand. He was almost at the person when Force fell on the Elemental, they both landed on the ground, the Elemental crushed by Force who was now sitting on the person's stomach and Blade who was standing next to them.

Force was looking at the Elemental's stomach, he heard the familiar cracking sound of daggers breaking in to pieces and then the Elemental spoke "I don't have any beads left as well." Blade lowered his sword, a little bit more comforted, Force looked up, his eyes became wet, he began tearing up.

The Elemental pushed Force off of himself, Blade readied his sword. "Toby?" A weak voice asked, it was Force's. Toby stood up straight, Force did the same as well. "It's Tobhias for you, traitor!" the long brown haired man screamed with emotionless eyes. Force began crying "I've missed you old friend" streams of tears were coming down his cheeks, he began walking closer towards Tobhias. "Don't come closer, or I kill this man." He quickly swiped Blade, he held him in a tight hold, a dagger directly touching his neck. "come on, old friend, let's talk this out, I know that I ruined it for you, and I know that I made a lot of stupid mistakes." Tobhias seemed to calm down a little "You left me, my best friend left me, for his own egotistical reasons." Tobhias sighed, his hold on Blade becoming weaker, the people at the walls were still knocked out. "You were the only thing I had in this hellhole of a place, and I didn't have the courage to do the same you did."

Force was beginning to believe he could turn his best friend, the hold loosening, the man calming down. Blade saw his chance and escaped the hold, he was looking to slice the man with his sword. Force saw what Blade was thinking and began screaming fearing for his friend's life. Tobhias didn't have the time to react when he felt something warm gushing out of his abdomen, he heard a ringing sound coming from his ears, Force's faded screams in the background.

Force saw Tobhias falling to the ground, he ran to his friend to check the injury "please don't leave me, I know you hate me but we can turn that around." Force looked at Blade " Why did you do that ?!" Blade looked apologetically " Force, I didn't know." "No don't apologize, of course you couldn't know!" Force was cradling Toby in his hands. "We can still find a doctor." "No I have a better idea" Force picked up his best friend and began running towards the door, Blade followed with a saddened expression. The soldiers began waking up around them, Force pulled out two dagger and turned them purple, he gave one to Blade, he understood the assignment and stabbed himself, a shield began forming around him. Force did the same to himself and they both began running, Elementals soldiers poured out of the building, searching for the two attackers.

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