CH36: Welcome To The Basement

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It was turning late, the sun that had shined the whole day went away. It instead got replaced by dark, grey clouds, they covered the whole horizon. It wasn't before long when rain drops started slowly falling from the sky. Windy, the leaves of the trees started shaking profusely, some leaves broke off and got carried into the air, swirling wildly in the fast moving wind. Two horses and three people were moving through out the landscape made out of green, grass hills and long pieces of grass. The wind was cutting throughout their hair, it swished rapidly in the wind. They looked in the air, the Elemental Disturbance was forming, it was a heavy storm. They placed a dagger in their legs, that not only covered themselves but the horses as well.

Later on, when the abandoned town came in sight. Ash let on a gasp of excitement and happiness, Waves let out a laugh and Amber just rode silently behind them. Ash didn't notice this from the outside but the rebellion had grown, a lot. More basements were created beneath the abandoned buildings, with an increased army and a hundred or so Elementals. They were almost inside the town, they entered the protective force-field that protected that kept the town safe, it was put up after the incident with Waves and the two soldiers, when Ash heard a playful neigh coming from in front. Amber, Ash's horse rushed towards the trio, neighing excitedly because she spotted a particular individual, her rider, Ash.

Ash jumped off of Waves horse, a surprised sound escaped Waves' mouth. Ash sprinted towards her very own horse, she had a very excited look on her face. The two individuals, horse and person, stopped in front of each other, Ash took Amber in her arms. She began rubbing over the fur of the horse and scratching behind the ears. Waves looked at his excited lover "well, m'lady your steed is here" he announced bowing from his own horse. "How did you get her back?" she asked while mounting Amber "she was present at the attack on Lumera, so after the attack we took her back home" "oh that's great!" she screamed out loud. "What's her name?" Amber asked suddenly, "Oh nothing special, I just named her Amber" "Ah, you named it after your favorite sister" Amber fired back "Yes, yes I did, sis." Ash said proudly looking deep inside her sister's eyes.

They rode inside the abandoned town, each on their own horses, Amber and Waves pulled out their daggers out of their legs, because their own force-fields weren't needed anymore. No people were outside, they rode towards the building where the main basement was located, the small stable had also been upgraded into a bigger one, more horses could now rest and sleep inside. They left their horses inside the stable and entered the ruined building. They walked to the backwall, it didn't disappear immediately though because a 'stranger' was in front of the wall. "Sis can you take a dagger and cut the palm of your hand?" "Ok" Amber said as she took a dagger from her cloak and sliced the palm of her hand. Warm, thick, red blood started seeping from the wound in her hand. "Now, spread the blood across the wall" Amber nodded and spread her hand over the wall, she winced when her open wound made contact with the wall. "Take your dagger and stick it in the wall" "sure." She took that same bloodied dagger and stuck it into the wall, black liquid appeared around the dagger like a pool, it began swallowing the dagger. Amber quickly let go of the dagger, it was slowly swallowing the dagger, the knife part was being slowly pulled in until it was slowly gone. Then the handle began disappearing until nothing was left of the bloody weapon.

Amber stood dumbfounded, looking at the crumbling wall before her, it fell over and hit the ground with a loud bang, the wall transformed instantly into dust. The dust boomed through out the whole room of the abandoned building. A staircase got revealed in a hallway where once the wall stood. Ash hurriedly walked down the stairs, happy to see her friends again, she got followed by Waves and Amber, who hesitantly walked down the stairs. Ash jumped down the last couple of stairs, making her grand entrance, but she was disappointed when the room with the big dining table was empty, no soul was moving in the room, it was quiet, but the candles were still on. Waves jumped off the stairs followed by Amber who just walked off of them.

"I suggest that we get some sleep and that we introduce Amber and our relationship tomorrow." Ash nodded slowly and put her hand on her chin "Yes I guess that we could do that." Waves jumped towards Ash and put his arm around her shoulder "let's get some sleep." They quietly opened the door to the sleeping chambers and walked towards their mattresses, there were three empty mattresses next to each other. The trio took off their Elemental Cloaks and laid down on the mattresses, Waves and Ash next to each other, and Amber next to Ash.

It was the next morning, Ash woke up in between Waves and Amber, they were still sound asleep. She looked around the dark room as best as she could, Ash noticed that everybody else was already awake. She quickly stood up and began shaking Waves, he groggily opened his eyes. "What, what, what's happening?" He quickly jumped up and took a defensive stance "oh Ash, it's you, my love" she blushed at the name. "Now I'm going to wake up my sis." She jumped over to her sister's side and began violently shaking her. "I'm up!" her sister screamed. Amber quickly jumped up "heh, don't scare me like that, sis." She said while hugging Ash. "Now let's go meet the others shall we" Ash said while poking Amber's side. Amber nodded hesitantly and followed behind her sister.

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