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Hanzo POV

I woke up to my father standing over my bed, his hands on my shoulders. He looked a little.. angry?

"Hanzo!" He shouted, I squinted before replying, "What?"

I thought something serious had happened but no. "You have to get ready. You're late for the shoot!"

God he was so annoying. When I said I wanted to get into modelling I did not mean like this.

But unfortunately, the only way I'd have a decent chance of getting into the industry is by listening to everythinggg my father says.

I sighed, "Okay, just give me a second."

After he had left my room I got up to go shower, brush my teeth and do the usual shit.

I put on my clothes and went downstairs for breakfast, expecting it to already be made.

I went into the kitchen and saw my father standing there. "No time for breakfast, you're already late."

"But dad, I'm hungry." I didn't get to eat properly yesterday either, I was not going to get through the day without some food.

"You should've thought about that before waking up late!" He replied angrily. "Now come on, we have to go now."

I sighed heavily and followed him to the car.

I hate my father, the whole reason I agreed to this modelling thing was because he promised we'd still be able to visit our home town.

But now it's been a year and half and everytime I ask he just says "Maybe next month." Or he tells me to stop bothering him.

He doesn't even let me use my phone, other than on weekends. God this is torture.

I often think about Cassidy, I wonder if he's forgotten about me, or if I'd ever see him again.

I can't text him because I didn't just get a new number like most people. My dad made me get a whole new phone because apparently if I text any of my old friends it'll "distract" me.


We made it to the shoot and my father apologised about our lateness, blaming it on me of course.

One of the workers asked if we'd like anything to eat, I wanted to say yes but my father had already turned the offer down.

I followed one of the workers into a dressing room where he gave me an outfit to put on.

{The outfit he had to wear was the same he wears in his "Scion" skin}

I actually kind of liked it, the blue was nice and I liked how the sleeve showed off my tattoo.

I came out of the dressing room and was taken to a room where they'd do my hair and makeup.

They put my hair in a high ponytail, I usually have my hair up anyway so it wasn't much of a difference.

>after the shoot>

It was finally over, it took like the whole day. We started at 9am and finished at 14:00 (2pm).

They take so many photos but only actually upload a few of them, like whats the point in taking so many then?

Me and my father left the building and made our way back home.

When I got home I made myself some food, I was starving.

I made myself some pasta and began to walk up to my room until my father stopped me, "Don't eat too much of that, you don't want to get overweight otherwise they might fire you."

These words took me by surprised, I looked at him for a second then looked down at the bowl.

Maybe he was right? I mean, I dont really "like" my job but being a model has been my dream job ever since I was 9 years old.

And I didn't want to lose it, at least not over something like this.

I thought for a minute before continuing to walk to my room. When I got there I threw the pasta in the bin and sat down on my bed.

I picked up a sketch pad and began to sketch.

Ever since I've moved and come to terms with the fact that I probably won't be going back anytime soon I've found drawing is a way I can keep myself from getting stressed, instead of other methods like self harm.

Plus if I did self harm, what would everyone else think of me?


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