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Hanzo POV

I woke up on the plane to flight attendant telling everyone we had arrived.

I yawned and stood up, making my way out.

When I got out I texted Cassidy, "Hey, I'm here." He replied almost immediately. "Where are you?"

I looked around saw him. He was sat down and waiting, "I see you, I'm walking over now."

He looked around and spotted me, I jogged towards him and hugged him tightly.

He had grown quite a bit taller than me now. He always was but not this much taller.

He pulled away and we greeted eachother, smiling.

"So uhm.. I was wondering you'd want to get some lunch? I'm pretty hungry." He offered.

"Uhm no, I- I already ate on the plane. But if you're hungry you can drive us somewhere to get food, I just won't order." I lied, I didn't want him to know I haven't been eating, we've just seen each other for the first time in ages and I didn't want to ruin the moment.

He smiled and nodded, offering his hand to me. I grabbed onto it and he led me to his car.

We got in and I rested my head on his shoulder, sighing. "I missed you Cass." He chuckled lightly and replied, "I missed you too."

We arrived at some sort of fast food place, he ordered some food and we began to drive home. "Are you sure you're not hungry? I promise I don't mind getting you something."

I laughed a little, "It's fine, really." I placed my hand on his shoulder.

He nodded at me and we finally made it to his house, at around 15:00 (3pm).

We walked in and I saw a few familiar faces. "Welcome home Cassidy, and hello again Hanzo, we all missed you so much!" They exclaimed.

I waved at them and thanked for them for letting me stay. "Want to go upstairs?" Cassidy asked.

I nodded and followed him into his room. We both laid down on the bed, "So what do you want to do?" He asked me.

"Uhm, I guess we could.. watch a movie?" I suggested. He picked up the remote and turned on the TV, browsing netflix for anything we could watch.

This felt kind of weird, being with him again after these years, especially since now we're adults.

He finally picked a movie and said, "Want me to get snacks?" God this really was like when we were teenagers.

"N-no, I'm.. still not hungry- Plus you have your lunch. I mean, you can get some snacks if YOU want them but-.." He chuckled lightly, "Yeah I understand what you mean."

We both laughed a little before playing the movie.

He munched on his lunch. Seeing him eat like that made me feel hungrier than I already was.

But I was afraid of what people would say. What if people called me overweight? Or if Cassidy stopped liking me?

I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. It was only 15:30 but I was so tired.

Plane rides make me sleepy.

I felt my eyes slowly starting to close and eventually I ended up falling asleep on his shoulder.

The next.. morning? It was weird, like a mix of day and night. I woke up to Cassidy standing over me with a.. disgusted? Look on his face.

"Hanzo what the fuck?"

I looked at him confused, "Huh?" That's when I looked around the room and saw piles of dirty plates and food packets everywhere.

What the fuck was going on? "Look at you! You're a mess Hanzo. I don't know if I can stay with you if you become anymore.. overweight." He exclaimed to me.

I was so confused, but when I processed what he had said I started to cry. I began to cry harder until I felt something shaking me.

All of a sudden I hear a voice, "Hanzo, wake up!" I looked around the room still crying and saw Cassidy looking over me.

"What happened?" He asked me, "Why are you crying?"

This is when I decided to ask him, "Cassidy, would you still.. like me, if I was.. fat?"

I said hesitantly. "Hanzo, what? Where is all of this coming from?" He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"I just.. my father he- He said that if I don't stop "Eating like that." Nobody would love me.

"Hanzo don't tell me you haven't been eating properly." He said with a concerned tone.

I looked away from him, not wanting to worry him any further. "Hanzo please respond!"

"Well, I just don't want to disappoint you." I whispered.

He sighed and said, "Hanzo, no matter what happens you can't do that to yourself. I promise I'd like you either way."

I dried my tears with my sleeve and buried my head into his chest.

"Now, how about you get back to sleep and in the morning I'll make you some food."

I nodded at him and laid my head on his chest, slowly drifing back off to sleep.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day.


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