Extra: Family

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Beyond the lush, green forest where Yoshi Town lay and through the dark and eerie woods where only Jack-o-Goombas dared tread, Barry recounted his adventure to the circle of Peepas that haunted the lone candlestick.

"So there were these Piranha Plants who were all stuck in the dirt, but then they hopped up on little legs and started walking! It was scary, but I went over to them and blew one up!" exclaimed the Bomb Boo, waving his stubby arms around for emphasis.

"Wow. We didn't know there were Piranha Plants that can walk," responded one of the Peepas, jotting it down in a ghostly notepad.

"You're quite the adventurer, Barry," said another, who was thoroughly impressed with the Boo's feats.

"Hehe... I guess so. I do really miss my friends, though. I hope they come back to visit soon," mused Barry, growing slightly saddened.

"Well, you'll always have us," noted one of the Peepas. Hearing that, Barry smiled.

"Aww, thanks, Peepas. I had a lot of fun on my adventure, but I'm also glad to be back home," he said, bringing the circle of ghosts in for a group hug. Barry was happy he got to leave the ghost house and make some new friends, but being away from home also reminded him just how much he liked the rickety old haunt. The torn wallpaper, boarded-up doors, and most of all, his friends, the Peepas, all made him feel like he belonged.

Past Barry's home in the spooky woods and across the rolling hills, Harold was also returning home. As the young Spike climbed the royal staircase, his eyes were glued to his game console.

"Welcome back, Harold! How was your trip?" asked his mother, as he distractedly entered the throne room. The prince was doing his best to ignore his parents, as he hadn't done much to be more royal on his trip, but he could only manage it for so long.

"What of King Bowser? Were you able to get some tips on how to act more princely?" asked King Spikely, eager to hear of his son's improvement. Harold, who had really only gone to get some smashing in, reluctantly put his handheld away.

"Uh, I took some notes while I was there," he said, handing his father the notepad he had taken. One look at it told the king all he needed to know.

"This is incredible! There are so many great pieces of advice! And you even found where the Koopa King gets those enormous spikes from! I'll have the couriers go out and purchase some immediately!" exclaimed King Spikely, elated at all of the fine details his son had written. The queen shot her husband a look, as the advice was supposed to be for Harold, not him, but she knew she couldn't stop him once he got excited. Harold, relieved he had avoided a scolding, retired to his room to finish his game. He had a final boss to beat, after all.

Lastly, in the fiery depths of Grumble Caldera, the Koopa Troop had a new unit. It only had three members and a captain, but it was a start.

"Alright, girls, show me what you've got!" exclaimed Kerrie, directing her subordinates for their combat exercise. The Fire Sis., Ice Sis., and Boomerang Sis., all fired their weapons of choice at the targets, but each missed their mark by a slight amount. "Almost isn't gonna cut it! Keep at it until you're hitting it every time!" she commanded, then turning to Mary, who sat beside her.

"Gosh, you're good at this, Kerrie," she said, swooning over the Hammer Sis. Kerrie, not one to accept mediocrity, disagreed.

"Yeah, but my unit's so small! I've gotta go out and find the best and baddest girls in the whole kingdom!" she exclaimed. Mary gave her a saddened look. "Oh, uh, don't worry! I wouldn't ever leave you like that! You're my sweet, soft Magikoopa," responded Kerrie, holding her girlfriend close to comfort her. She wanted to be with Mary, but at the same time, she had her duties with her unit.

"Well... I do have to go back to school for the rest of the semester soon... Maybe you can go while I'm gone," she suggested.

"Are you gonna be okay without me?" asked Kerrie.

"I think so... I'm almost done with school... When I am done, I was thinking of coming back here full-time... Would you like that?" responded Mary. The Hammer Sis. couldn't be happier.

"Of course I'd love that! I might be a captain now, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten about you. You're my little snuggle Koopa," she said. Blushing, Mary gave her girlfriend a nuzzle.

"I don't have to go back until a few days from now..." she told the Hammer Sis.

"Then we have each other for another few days," Kerrie said, pulling the purple-robed Magikoopa closer for some cuddling.

Back atop the castle, the Koopa King sat on his throne, watching his green-shelled servants clean up the rubble made during his battle with the Yoshi and his friends.

"Hmph. Those guys sure were something. I didn't think anyone other than Mario could give me a run for my money like that," he said to himself. He wasn't too happy about his son getting scuffed up, but at the same time, he respected their strength and tenacity.

"I'm sorry, Papa. I just wanted to bring you a gift for your wedding... I didn't know it would blow up..." cried the Koopa kid, grabbing hold of Bowser's leg.

"Aww, I know, Junior. You did your best, and I'm proud of you," he told his son, picking him up and giving him a hug.

"Thanks, Papa... But what are we gonna do about the wedding?" asked Junior. Placing his son back on the ground, Bowser put a claw up to his chin.

"That's a good question. We can't exactly have a wedding without a bride, can we?" he said.

"But every time we kidnap Peach, Mario always comes and steals her back!" responded Junior, stamping his feet like his dad would.

"Grr, one of these days, that princess will have to realize just how devilishly handsome I am! She can't not love me back forever! Mark my words, I ain't gonna let my son grow up without a mother figure!" exclaimed the Koopa King, gripping his fist in his palm.

"Papa..." muttered Junior, continuing to hold on to his father's leg.

"Come on, Junior, let's get that Clown Car of yours fixed," said Bowser, getting up from his throne and taking his son's claw in his. The heart-shaped gem might not have been his, but that wouldn't stop the Koopa King from trying his darndest to get Princess Peach to marry him.

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