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To teens out there 🌻

The time will come when you no longer able to spend the day sleeping in your room anymore. Notebooks on your tables, pens, and school work. Instead, a bunch of paper works piling up, thousands of words to type, and never-ending tasks.

The time will come when you no longer have cards, letters, and slips in your wallets. Instead, water bills, electric bills, and even grocery bills.

The time will come when you no longer buy food for your friends. Instead, you buy food for your family and relatives.

The time will come when you no longer ask for money, allowance, and tuition for school from your parent. Instead, you will be the one to finance your family and pay tuition for your sister/brother.

The time will come when you no longer ask for help. Instead, you're the one who's helping.

The time will come when you no longer ask for a glass of milk. Instead, a cup of black coffee.

This only means that moments are fleeting. This only means that youth comes into your life once. When you pass by it, you are no longer able to go back. So, don't be too hard on yourself, and don't suffocate yourself on school work and pressures.

Instead, give yourself time to relax and time to do whatever you want. Go, play with the rain, and never mind the idea of getting sick. Go, play, and run under the scorching rays of the sun and never mind the idea of getting burnt. For life is too short to be filled with hesitations.

TO SOMEONE I ADMIRENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ