Sometimes, we chose to be better off alone not because we don't need anyone but because of the fear of being attached to someone. And we can't accept that we will lose them along the way.

Pain, traumas, and betrayal; these are the words that can mold us to build high walls to protect ourselves, to avoid our hearts being shattered again, albeit, we know how devastating it is.

We deserve someone who will stay on our side in times of bad times, who will do the same as we do, and who will never get tired of reminding us that they will be there, always.

We must also know that expectations can disguise as disappointment too. That is why it's better to be surprised than to be disappointed when someone changes because change is constant in this world.

Nothing is permanent, so we must learn to be independent, we must learn how to stand on our own feet because the day will come when we only have ourselves left.

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