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"And this is how it starts..." I began to sing, my eyes closing as I began to play the starting chords to one of my favourite songs. "Take your shoes off in the back of my van." As I carried on singing, I didn't open my eyes for the rest of the song. Maybe I was too scared of what Van would think. Maybe I just didn't want to know what he thought.

Finally, as I strummed the last chord on my guitar, my eyes fluttered open and slowly made their way to meet Van's different gaze. Why was he looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong?

He sat there, his mouth parted slightly, his blue eyes wide just staring at me. Nervously, I ran a hand through my hair putting the guitar down on my lap.

"Uh, sorry I didn't change the pronouns...that changes the meaning and the feel to the song like-"

"Fuck me." He said shaking his head, interrupting my aimless mumbling which I decided was more to myself than to him. He smirked shaking his head even more before ruffling his hair with his left hand. "Fuck." He repeated, slower, looking at me once again.

"W-what?" I stammered, half laughing suddenly nervous at what he was implying.

"Jesus Ab-" I blushed at his new nickname to me, trying to cover it up by looking towards the floor. "- That was...that was fuckin'...class." He seemed to be lost for words as he sat there still, leaning forward on his arms that were leant on his legs. He grinned at me, reaching out for my guitar which rest in my lap on my bare legs.

Suddenly, I remembered that I was only wearing an oversized shirt I'd thrown on last night and all too soon became very anxious of my appearance as Van took my guitar so he could play something. As I passed him the top of it, I caught his eyes quickly flicker to my legs, before he pulled it onto his lap as he tried to mask a smirk. But oh no, I caught that one.

The cheek.

"Why d'you only call me when you're high?" He stated more than questioned as he referred to the lyrics that were written on my shirt. "Class."

"Love the Arctic's. What 'bout you?" Standing up, I tried to draw less attention to my appearance by asking a question. But Van being Van, noticed me doing so and once again I saw his eyes wonder elsewhere other than my face. "Van?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Oh yeh-" He laughed, rather chuckled to himself quietly. "-Love 'em. I think Alex Turner is a great songwriter. I mean, since me bein' alive, in this genre, I think he's the best song writer apart from Mike Skinner." I laughed thinking about him and his lyrics making him look at me curiously. "What?"

"Nothin'" I smirked walking towards the doorway as he began to look at me even more as he stood up from the sofa. No way was I going to tell him, his ego was big enough as it already was and that was coming off someone who had known him less than twenty-four hours.

"No, what?"

"Nothin'!" I laughed walking into the hallway, smirking even more as I reached the banister of my stair case.

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