D:- Disgrace

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Riley's POV

As I woke up, with the sun shining through the curtains, the memories from the night before came flooding back. It had been my birthday and I had a party with the whole of A-Troupe. Everyone was there, including James.

Things had been getting slowly better between the two of us. We had broken up after he kissed Beth, but I had given him the list and he told me that he was determined to complete it.

I didn't remember much about the party, but I did remember that there was alcohol and I remember drinking some. But apart from that- nothing. It was like my memory had been wiped.

I snapped back into reality as I rolled over in my bed. I froze, seeing a shirtless body lying next to me, lying on their side. I couldn't see the whole body but I knew that the person was naked. I covered my mouth, to stop myself from screaming, after realising I was also naked.

That could mean only one thing. I had slept with one of the guys in A-Troupe.

I started to panic wondering if I had slept with Hunter or Eldon, both who were my sisters ex-boyfriends. She would hate me if I had done that. I tried to calm myself down, as the body next to me rolled over.

It was James. I had just slept with my ex-boyfriend.

I watched as he woke up and rubbed his eyes, trying to work out where he was. He looked over at me, after realising he was in my room.

"Hey, what happened yesterday?" He asked, still half asleep.

"I don't know, I'm as clueless as you are ." I snapped, trying to stop the tears falling. I had slept with my ex. I had wasted my first time with him. And I don't remember any of it.

"Ri. I..." He started, trying to comfort me, but I interrupted.

"Save it James.. Just leave.." I said, letting the tears fall.

"Can I have my clothes back then?" He smirked.

"Go find them, they're here somewhere." I said, lying back in my bed.

James was still with Beth, so that meant when he slept with me he was cheating on her. The same thing that hurt me so bad. It wasn't the same situation but still. I thought a kiss was bad. What was Beth going to think when she found out?

I watched as James, who was fully clothed now, opened my bedroom door and walked out. A few minutes later Emily walked in.

"Ri, what's wrong? Why have you been crying?" She asked, sitting on my bed.

"Nothing." I mumbled.

"You've been crying, so it can't be nothing." She said, as she stroked my hair slowly.

I sighed. I knew I had to tell her.

"I slept with James.." I whispered.

"What?" She asked, obviously not hearing what I just said.

"I slept with James." I said, almost shouting.

She looked shocked. "You did what? Riley, you needed to wait until....."

"We were drunk Em and that's all I remember. I wouldn't have done it through choice. I mean, he hasn't even finished the list.." I interrupted.

"Oh." Was all she said.

"I'm scared, what if I'm pregnant? I'm not even with him and..."

This time she interrupted me. "Ri, it was a one time thing. You won't be pregnant." She tried to reassure me.

"Oh.. okay.." I stuttered, not convinced.

"You won't be pregnant." She tried again, hugging me tightly.

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