Z:- Zoo Part 2

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Riley's POV

"I'm still not sure this is a good idea." I sighed, walking into the kitchen where James was sitting texting the boys about the plans for today.

"Riley, this is an amazing idea. We haven't seen the old A- Troupe in 2 years." He reminded me.

"I know, but couldn't we meet them somewhere else? Like here or one of their houses?" I asked.

"You know the kids wouldn't enjoy that babe." He chuckled. "There wouldn't be anything for them to do."

"I know but-"

"Riles, don't stress baby. Everything will be fine. Don't worry about the kids, they loved it last time."

"It's not that though." I sighed.

"Then what is it babe? What's worrying you?"

I sighed again. "James, I'm due in 3 days... But knowing our history though they'll be early. And I'm scared that-" I started.

"-You'll have to give birth in a zoo." He finished.

I half smiled. We always finished each other's sentences, it was kinda cute.

"Yeah." I whispered.

James laughed and pulled me into a hug. "Aww baby. You know that won't happen. You just always get scared around this time."

"I know but I just don't want anything to go wrong." I said, pulling away from our hug. "Especially after what happened before..."

Shortly after Alexia, our third daughter was born, it was our anniversary so James took me away to celebrate. Our "celebrations" had gone a little too far and I had fallen pregnant immediately. I was shocked initially but both of us were excited to have another baby in our life and the girls, minus Lexi of course, were delighted when they found out they were getting a new sibling..

But a few weeks into my 4th pregnancy.. I miscarried. It had been a terrible day for everyone. James and I were devastated. We had been planning to tell everyone at Stephanie and West's (A/N: I dont ship them but they were in part one so I cant exactly get rid of them) baby shower but we ended up not going because it would have hurt too much for us. The girls were confused, they kept asking where the baby went and when it was coming back, but I didn't have the heart to tell them the truth, they were too young anyway.

I was heartbroken after the miscarriage but I decided that I wanted to try for  another baby. I researched on the internet and it said that I could try straight away (A/N: trueeee, i googled it) and that I could get pregnant in 6 months....

But it took longer than 6 months. A lot longer. 2 years longer...

It had been a long 2 years but just over 8 months ago, I had found out that I was pregnant. We were always scared of another miscarriage so we didn't tell anyone. Nobody knew about my pregnancy apart from us. Just in case.

"Oh Riles. I know you're worried. But nothing's going to happen okay? I promise you. But if something did happen, then I'll be here. I'll always be here baby." James told me, wiping away a few tears that were beginning to spill. "You okay now?"

I wiped away the rest of the tears with the back of my hand and nodded slowly. "What would I do without you James?" I asked.

"I don't know Riles, what would you do without me?" He laughed. "But seriously, are you okay now?"

"Yeah I'm fine now. Thank you."

He smiled. "And after this one's born..." He said, placing his hands on my stomach. "Maybe we can finally get married?"

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