R:- Responsibility

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A/N: thankyou Jiley_Obsessed for this idea💛
sorry it's taken so long, but unfortunately I have been back at school, but im gonna try my best to write as much as possible..

Basically this is kinda part 2 to rescue but with a different name

Riley's POV

As I sat in the kitchen of James' house, drinking a glass of water, I couldn't help but think about how my life had changed dramatically in the last year. Eight months ago, there had been a fire at The Next Step and it had burned down. Thankfully though from the money we had got from winning Internationals, Miss Kate had managed to buy a new studio which was good because we had a Regionals title to defend.

I rested one of my hands on my swollen stomach which reminded me that it was also eight months since I had found out that I was pregnant.

It had been a complete shock to James and I, but the team were not that surprised. We had been caught so many times in the costume closet that they knew it was coming eventually. They had all helped us over the months and were pretty excited..

Debra had been really supportive, unlike my own mother, and had let me move in after I had been kicked out of my house. She was a little disappointed that I had gotten pregnant so young, but she knew that James and I wanted to spend the rest of our life together so she let it slip and, even though she didn't want to admit it, was excited about having her first grandchild.

The only people who weren't so happy were my parents and the people at school.

My mom and dad didn't take the news well. My dad had kicked me out as soon as I told him and my mom didn't protest. Emily tried to convince them, but they were having none of it. They didn't want to have a daughter who 'messed her life up' as my dad put it. I hated them for that but there was still a part inside of me hoping they'd change their mind and want to meet their grandchild but I knew that it was near impossible.

At school, the news that I was pregnant spread like wildfire. I honestly couldn't believe how quickly everyone found out. They spoke about me and laughed at me behind my back, they couldn't believe when 'the good, never done anything wrong in her life angel Riley' had gotten pregnant. They thought I didn't hear them but I did. I heard it all. I thought about leaving school, without graduating, so I'd never have to see any of them or hear their nasty comments ever again but James and Debra convinced me not to. They said that I needed to show everyone that I was bigger than them and that their words couldn't hurt me. So I went back and tried to ignore all the comments people made. It was easier said than done because even the teachers talked about it. I had managed to graduate last month so now I was free to put all my thoughts on the baby and not stressing about school and exams.

The only problem now was James. We hadn't discussed what we were going to do with the baby after it was born. Debra wanted us to keep it because she didn't someone who wasn't the baby's parents raising her grandchild.

I was all up for it but it was James that I was worried about. He hung out with the boys way more than he did before I was pregnant, and all they did was play stupid video games. Meanwhile I got stuck in the kitchen, with an aching back, listening to Debra chat to Kathy who always seemed to be here. Yes I was happy that him and the boys we close friends but, as selfish as it sounds, I wished he would pay more attention to me. I mean, I was pregnant after all. With his child.


As I woke up in James' empty bed, I looked around for any sign of my boyfriend. He wasn't in the room and I didn't hear the shower so I knew that he was downstairs having breakfast. I dragged myself out of bed slowly and pulled one of James' shirts over my head. I sighed, looking at myself in the mirror. Usually James' shirts would look quite long on me but now that I had my bump, it barely covered my butt. I didn't think that wearing just that was suitable for wearing downstairs so I slipped on a pair of my old dance shorts on as well.

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