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"mom died," allison whispered. "she killed herself."

chase sighed, leaning back on the bed and shaking his head. "did she get bit?"

"yeah," she confirmed. "by derek. he drove our mother to kill herself."

"i think she would've done it anyway," chase admitted.

"what? why?" allison scoffed.

he furrowed his eyebrows at the tone. she was getting angry at him, which never happened - not really. "did she not tell you what she did to me?" he asked.

"yeah, she did," allison gulped. "and i hate that she did that to you, i'm angry at her for doing that, and i won't ever forgive her for it. but she's still our mom."

"i'm still her son," chase whispered. "you know what it was like, alli? to lay there, half dead, and just waiting. knowing that your own mother wanted you dead so badly she came up with this whole plan and tried to kill you. correction, almost did kill you. knowing that you'd never see your sister again, never see the day tomorrow, nothing."

"no, i don't know what that was like, but i can imagine it was hell," allison told him. "and i'm so sorry that it happened, that i couldn't help. i would've if i were there, if i knew then."

"tell me what she told you," chase requested. "i wanna know."

"she wrote it in a letter to me. she told me that she took you at the party, outside the warehouse, and brought you to some building near it. she tried to get a hunter to kill you, he wouldn't, she tried to do it herself."

chase stared for a moment, thinking if he should tell her the truth or not. if he did, that'd ruin the image of victoria for her. he knew how much she loved her, and if she knew the real truth, she'd be ruined. he couldn't tell her, despite their promise. he had to protect her.

"ok," he whispered.

"are you gonna help? kill derek, i mean," allison asked.

"no," he simply said. "i'm not gonna help you kill him."

"gerard was right," she snapped, standing up. "you aren't with this family anymore."

he gaped. "you sound like mom, alli, catch yourself."

"no, they're right! you're not a hunter anymore, you're with them," she spat.

"you realize you're in love with a werewolf, right?" chase stood, his eyebrows pulled together. "you realize that you have not had the proper, long training of a hunter to be considered one? you're in a family of hunters but you've 'been one' for a few days. and you realize that because of what happened to me, i cannot help you or dad or gerard kill the guy who basically killed her. i'm sorry. i just can't."

"she's our mom!" allison argued.

"and she has hated me for the majority of my life!" chase exclaimed. "i know you don't know, not fully, but she has hated me for as long as i can remember. however you saw it and see it now, it was and is ten times worse than how you picture it! i didn't have the relationship you had! i don't even know if it can even be called a relationship, alli! to me, she never did the things mother's did for their kids! i didn't get what you had. why can't you see my side? i see yours, i see mom's. see mine. put yourself and your feelings out of the situation, look at it from a logical standpoint. that's a part of being a hunter, by the way. compartmentalizing. prioritizing. logical thinking. getting rid of your feelings and your biasness."

"i can't do this right now," allison shook her head. "i don't wanna have a screaming match with you. we'll talk when we're both in better spots, ok?"

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