Prologue (1)

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In one of Taila Kingdom's Palace's towers, Princess Tiarina wached the sea and it's waves -just a few feet away and about 3 tall trees down- shatter hitting the hard rocks near the cliff on wich the tower stands on. Despite the beautiful scenery, a bitter cold gripped her heart as she dreaded the thought of her imminent union with a prince of the humans he didn't even meet once. She had never desired such a fate. Just like the waves never wanted to be shattered in the rocks. Her hopes are going to become just like those waves, shattered.

Tiarina just wished she could run. It didn't matter where. She just wanted to escape this cruel fate destiny has brought upon her. She knew it was her duty as a princess but still, it's these moments she loathes being born one. If only she could just run away... Run away... Really, what's stopping her from doing that?... Her duties as a princess that she didn't want? Her guilt that was non-existent? Her family that practically sold her off? Her friends that she left behind in her Kingdom?


There was nothing holding her back. No reason for her to 'sit still, look pretty' as some say a noble woman should be.

So why?

Why is she not running away? Why does she feel like chains are bounding her here. These chains forcing her to stay and meet her fate. Was this how those criminals felt when they were taken to the guillotine or to be hanged?


Tiarina started to feel pity for all those people she had seen being dragged to their deaths back in her kingdom. But, now, the pity is directed at her, not them. She feels pity for herself. For her inability to escape. But, maybe...


She looks down below at the unsettled ocean, a hand on the window frame. What if she just... Jumped? No. She wouldn't make it. The stones were too sharp and too precise under her window. Even if she jumped in the water, she's bound to hit the rocks and die. Die.


Suddenly, being wedded sounded more pleasant than dying...



Three repeated knocks -on the wooden door of the room she's confined in- snap her back from the thoughts that had been running in her mind. She looks towards the door. Her heart beating fast. She wasn't ready. No. She wasn't. She takes a breath. She needs to be composed.

'Composed. Mother will be mad if I don't keep my emotions composed. Breath. In. Out.' She calms herself in her mind. With an elegant voice she starts to speak.

"Who is it?"

"We are maids of the palace tasked with helping your highness prepare and dress for the wedding, Your Highness." A female voice says from the other side of the door. "May we enter, Your Highness?"

"Yes, you may." Tiarina says moving away from the window.

"Thank you, Your Highness." A maid says as the door is pushed open and five maids enter through. The one who spoke had orange hair tied in a low bun and freckles all over her body. She would be considered a beauty in the Alix Kingdom -the most southern region of the Iblis continent- if she would ever go there.

"Your Highness, if I may, please sit down. I'll be combing your hair." Says a brunette maid with a blue and brown eye clearly having heterocromia. While her looks might be just above average -with her odd eyes- in other kingdoms, if she would go to the Seryn Kingdom -the smallest kingdom in the continent- she would be accused of being a witch and burned at the stake if not banished. People in that kingdom are not very open minded.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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