Unforeseen Pursuits

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Chapter 5: Unforeseen Pursuits

"Amidst the rustling petticoats and opulent estates, a chance horse rescue unfurls a boost in the two maids great scheme"


The sun, in its morning ascendancy, painted the meadows in hues of gold, turning dewdrops into shimmering diamonds. Lady Arabella and I were riding side by side, enjoying the peaceful allure of the estate's borderlands. It had been many years since I had the luxury of riding alongside my lady. Her parents afforded me the luxury when we were just children, understanding the loneliness in Lady Arabella's eyes, and understanding that they could no longer bare children, they granted her my companionship during her riding lessons. In recent years, due to her status as Lady of the house, she was always accompanied by the head of the stables, however, she had little choice in who to chaperone her early morning rides since he was unwell as of late. 

We rode out to the woods, a silence surrounding us, both lost in our thoughts no doubt. The velvety touch of moss under the horses' hooves muffled our steady progress. The woods nearby whispered ancient tales, while birds punctuated the narrative with their melodies.

Our rhythmic trotting was a soothing backdrop for a rare heart-to-heart. "Remember when we would sneak into these woods, imagining them to be vast kingdoms?" I began, trying to bridge the ever-widening chasm of our social differences.

A reminiscent smile grazed Lady Arabella's lips, "And you, as my loyal knight, saving this damsel from imaginary dragons." Her laughter, rich and melodic, echoed memories of a simpler time. It was these moments that I craved, away from society, when I could almost catch a glimpse of the girl I thought of like a sister. My mother had died in service to her mother, but the family kept me on as long as I promised to serve their daughter when they were no longer of this world. They had died just a mere decade ago, right after Lady Arabella had been presented to society, eligible for marriage. 

However, our reverie was shattered when a deer darted from the thicket, startling Arabella's horse. With a wild neigh, it bolted. Panic surged as I watched my dear friend disappear into the dense foliage. Knowing that Lord Nathaniel's manor was closer, I spurred my horse on, praying I'd find help in time.

The imposing gates of Nathaniel's estate soon greeted me. Before the sentry could react, I was off my horse, breathless and frantic. Nathaniel, alerted by the commotion, appeared. His usually poised demeanour crumbled at my hurried explanation. Without hesitation, he mounted my horse, leaving me with a promise to bring Arabella back safely.

Upon leaving Lord Nathaniel in his urgent mission to locate Lady Arabella, I hesitated for a moment at the grand entrance of his mansion. The intimidating vastness of the estate left me feeling minuscule. The ornate carvings and gleaming marble floors spoke of wealth and power that were worlds apart from my own. But this was no time to be daunted. I needed to find Bea, and fast.

The few servants I encountered paid me no mind, busy in their morning chores. I whispered a query to one passing maid about the whereabouts of Beatrice, but she merely gave me a blank look and moved on. The sense of urgency grew. I knew Bea would have sought out a quiet corner to continue her observant plotting, and my best guess was that she would be wherever Lord Nathaniel's guests often retreated for solitude or conversation.

I navigated the winding corridors and made my way towards what looked like a spacious drawing room. The tall windows let in a flood of daylight that illuminated the room's rich tapestries and plush velvet couches. In a distant corner, I spotted the familiar shade of Bea's dress. She sat, her attention engrossed in a sketchbook, completely unaware of the surroundings.

The urgency of our situation welled up inside me, and I almost sprinted over to her. "Bea!" I hissed, trying to remain as discreet as possible. "Lady Arabella's horse got spooked. She's lost, and Lord Nathaniel has taken my horse to find her."

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