Beneath the Masquerade

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Chapter 7: Beneath the Masquerade

"Amongst the whispered tales and concealed glances, Adelaide was about to dance on the precipice of two worlds: one of radiant allure, the other of shadowed servitude."


The morning sun pierced through the window, warming my skin and reminding me of the day's responsibilities before the ball tonight. I was folding linens when a knock echoed at the servant's door—a sound too refined for the usual course of my day. My fingers still held the linen as I moved forward. Pushing open the door, I was met with the unexpected sight of Lady Arabella, her usual aura of elegance seemingly magnified in the golden morning light.

She extended a delicate box towards me. "For your assistance the other day, a token of my appreciation" her voice whispered, drenched in a softness I hadn't witnessed before. Opening the box, a surge of emotions flooded me as the beautiful gold and crimson ball gown shimmered back at me. Nestled beside it was a masquerade mask, as delicate as the wings of a butterfly, glinting in the sunlight that filtered through the small window.

"But... my lady," I stammered, "I'm meant to work the ball. I would not dare accept such a gift. I am just a servant. If any of the Lords or Ladies were to find out...I fear the repercussions my lady" I trailed off placing the lid back to its rightful place. 

"Nonsense! You'll be attending as my cousin from Cambridge," Lady Arabella declared, her eyes holding twinkling sea blue. I searched her face, waiting for her to continue, to give me a reason why she would want such a thing, but no answer came. 

The whirlwind of emotions I was feeling as I waited was hard to pinpoint. Excitement? Fear? The night held promises of dancing and laughter, something out of a dream. But a gnawing thought lingered: what if I were discovered? And why did Lady Arabella grant me this? Was it tied to that secret exchange she shared with Lord Nathaniel in the woods? An unfamiliar twinge of jealousy took me by surprise.

Panic welled inside me. "But, my lady, I'm merely a servant," I protested again, the weight of the gown heavy in my arms.

Her green eyes held a mysterious glint. "Lord Nathaniel is aware and has given his consent. You will pose as my cousin from Cambridge. It is the least I can do after you wrangled his steed to find me, much to Mr. Collins' dismay might I add."

Questions filled my mind, memories of the woods and her whispered conversation with Lord Nathaniel flooding back. Was there something she wasn't revealing?

But before I could muster the courage to ask what her intentions were, she was gone, leaving me amidst a whirlwind of emotions.

After she left, I hurried to Bea, my only true friend in this vast estate. Her eyes widened as I relayed my news. Her reaction, however, was a mixture of awe and envy. Her eyes, usually warm, had a touch of frost. I felt the weight of my privilege and the sting of her exclusion. 

"This is risky, Addy," Bea whispered, concern covering her frosty expression mere moments ago. "If you were to be caught, it will not be just a simple reprimand that you face Adelaide". Her concerns weighed heavily on my heart, but so did the chance to be someone else for just one night. The evening's allure wasn't just about the ball; it was about escaping the confines of servitude, even if briefly.

A steely expression soon covered her features as she continued, "This is an opportunity Adelaide. You can use this the ball to get close to Lord Nathaniel's sister and discover his intentions with Lady Arabella. You can tell her how fitting a match they will make and that you wish nothing but an appropriate match for your dear 'cousin'". The sarcastic nature of the word 'cousin' was hard not to miss as it came from Bea's mouth. Not only that, but I couldn't help the emotions swirling inside me at the thought of making tonight about our plan. Perhaps secretly, in my heart of hearts, I wished nothing more than to forget the roles my life consisted of, and instead to live one night free of expectations and rules.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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