Giving Back

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  Lynix walked through the server, towards the river. He was going to try and catch a new axolotl, since Doni had stolen his previous one.

  Speak of the devil, Lynix thought as Doni flew in his direction, a smile on the owl's face. Lynix wanted to punch the grin off his face.

  Or at least, he normally would. But today, he didn't feel like it. Maybe it was because he hadn't done anything bad to him in a while, aside from stealing the axolotl. Wait, is he coming towards me? Lynix thought, slightly panicking.

  "Hey Lynix!" Doni said cheerfully, coming to land by Lynix.

  "Hi Doni," Lynix replied casually. "What's up?"

    Doni scratched the back of his head, "Well, I, uh, wanted to give you something..." He trailed off, as if even he was unsure of what he was doing.

  "Um, ok, what is it?" Lynix asked curious despite the whisper in the back of his mind whispering, What if it's a prank?

   "Here," Doni said quickly, handing Lynix a bucket before flying off without another word. Odd, Lynix thought, peering into the bucket. To his surprise and delight, his axolotl was in there! Lynix realized there was a weird feeling in his stomach, and had been since Doni touched his hand while giving him the axolotl. 

  What is going on with me..... 


Hi friends! I was going to make this into a oneshot for my other book, but decided that this was too good of a book opportunity to pass up. Also, this is my first time writing romance, so tips are welcome. Also, I'm probably going to prioritize this book over my other one. Have a good whatever time it is where you are and I'll see you later!

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