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  It waited, sighing. Or, it tried to sigh. No noise ever came out of it's mouth. It was hungry. So, very hungry. It had tried animals, but they hadn't been sufficient. It had also tried villagers, and those were almost enough. And if villagers can sustain me, It thought, grinning. What about a human?


  Doni looked out, searching. He didn't quite know what he was searching for. He just felt like he should. He was still thinking about this when pink and yellow flashed across his vision. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Lynix, attempting to control his axolotl enough to presumably get it home. Cute, Doni thought, smiling. Wait, what am I thinking? He started panicking. Then he realized that he should probably help Lynix with his axolotl, considering it did just dart into his house.

  Creeeeeeeaaaak. The door was opened cautiously, like someone didn't want to attract attention. Unfortunately for them, Doni wanted someone to talk to. And just as he suspected, there was Lynix, searching for the axolotl.

  "BOO!" Doni shouted, startling his friend before laughing. "You should have seen your face!" The owl was practically gasping for air. "Oh it was so funny. Oh my-Oh my g-" He fell to the ground laughing even harder.

  Lynix rolled his eyes. "Really Doni? This? When my axolotl is lost in your house?" 

  "Well, it was a way to get you to talk to me, and it worked, so, yes, really," Doni was still laughing. When he stopped and opened his eyes, gasping for breath, he noticed Lynix was gone. This was bad. Very bad. Doni's house was a maze of traps, portals, and confusion. Even Doni got lost sometimes. Lynix had never been here before. How did he even find this place? I made sure to put is as far away from the village as I could! Well, while being close-ish to it anyways.

  But that wasn't Doni's main concern at the moment. His main concern was finding Lynix.

  "Lynix? Where are you?" He called, getting worried. "Lynix?"

  He ran through the house until reached the Maze. A trail of water dripped into it, which he took as a good sign that his friend was in there. But even though Doni knew roughly which part of the house Lynix was in, it was the Maze. The most trap-heavy, dangerous, and deadly part of this entire server. There was something else about it too, but he couldn't remember what it was. 

  There's zero chance he gets out of here without me. I need to find him. There's zero chance he gets out of there without me. I need to find him. Those were the words circling through Doni's mind as he followed the trail of water through the Maze, checking every nook and cranny for his friend. Nothing. Not until he reached the center of the Maze.

  Well, it was near the center. Doni still hadn't figured out how to get there yet. All he knew was that this area was the most dangerous. That, and that this part of the Maze seemed off. It felt like he was being watched by something. But Doni knew that that wasn't possible, right? It was weird and he didn't like it. As he approached what seemed to be the center, the walls became increasingly covered in strange marks, darker than ink, if that was even possible. They looked like runes or sigils of some sort. A few seemed to be telling some sort of story, though Doni couldn't figure out what it was. Colors spiraled out from them like a backwards rainbow, purple being closest to them and red being furthest.

  Rounding a corner, he saw Lynix, holding the axolotl, and let out a sigh of relief. "Lynix!" He shouted, running towards him. Lynix turned around, surprise and a slight amount of fear on his face. And of course, holding the axolotl.

  Apparently, Doni had miscalculated how fast he was going, and accidentally crashed into Lynix, sending them both tumbling into the wall, limbs tangled, while the axolotl had slipped out of his grasp and was just sitting there, waiting and staring at them. He felt a bit flustered, and so did Lynix, judging by how his face had a slight red tint.

  After quickly getting off of his friend, there was an awkward silence between them as they helped each other up.

  "What- What is this place?" Lynix asked after a moment, his tone curious. "And how do we get out?

  "I call it the Maze. Very original, I know," Doni replied sarcastically. "And as for how we get out, I don't really know. I guess we just follow the water back out?"

  Lynix nodded, and after he picked the axolotl back up, they started to make their way to the entrance of the Maze.

  But that was when Doni remembered the other thing about the Maze. If you went in one way, you went out another way. Even if you tied a rope around yourself to try and find a way out, it would just get weirdly distorted. He could see Lynix starting to realize this too. It might be hours before they made any progress at all. Then an idea came to mind.

  "What if we mine through the walls?" Doni blurted.

  Lynix seemed confused at first, but then produced an axe. Doni did the same, and they started their work.


  After what must have been at least an hour, and a change of tools from axes to pickaxes, it became evident that this was going nowhere. The walls of the Maze must have been made of something stronger than obsidian, because even with all that work, they hadn't made a dent. It was clear that their only option was to find their way out of the Maze the old fashioned way- by looking for it. 

  The two knew it would be a long night.


Hello little cacti! I hope you liked this chapter. Funny story about the picture: I originally had another one I was going to use, but it randomly disappeared. I have no clue why, but this picture is way better in my opinion. The only reason I decided to go with the whole colors spiraling out from the pictures thing is because I don't want my brown to die. So, yeah. I love you all and I'll see you whenever. Have a great time!

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