EP 2: The Secrets Mr. Jones Keeps

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Lucas struggled to smile through the pain in his ribs and under Carly's glare. He hated having to call her like that, he hated making her worry. But it was all a part of the plan. He tried to look a little better off than he was, to soften the blow. But Carly still looked like she was caught somewhere between panic and rage. If she was even a little happy to see him, he couldn't tell. Then again, she was always at her angriest when she was worried. He could practically hear her collecting the questions in her head, preparing for the interrogation. So, he spoke before she could ask anything.

"You scared the cute nurse away," he smiled, remembering how Felix had stumbled out of the room, after getting their family tree down. Felix had only stopped to compliment Carly on her assemble, a royal blue flow-y number that dipped low in the back, and then scampered away with Lucas's chart in hand. Lucas had been sad to see him go for a lot of reasons. For one, there was nothing to stand between him and Carly's assault.

"You're in Port Charles for less than a minute, and you're already in trouble?" Carly said, side-stepping his diversion. She tossed her hands up in frustration; having to worry about Michael, Morgan and Joss was enough, she wasn't expecting that she'd have to worry about Lucas too. Last she'd heard, he was in Seattle being wildly successful and searching for love. At least that's how Bobbi had put it.

Carly stepped closer to get a better look at Lucas's injuries. He was stubborn and swatted at her when she cupped his chin. But she held on and turned his head, so that the bad lighting in his cubicle hit the side of his face.

"It's just a few scrapes and scratches." He said, but Carly could see where a black welt was preparing to make its debut on her brother's face. She'd seen enough of Sonny's handiwork to know when somebody had been at the wrong end of a fist. She couldn't think who would want to hurt Lucas. But she was about to find out

Whoever it was would regret it.

"Who did this?" Carly asked and Lucas could practically hear his assailant's death happening in her head.

"Why? So, you can run to Sonny, and add a new piece to his Pine Barron's collection?"

"Who?" She demanded.

"It doesn't matter, Carly. I'm fine!" Lucas shifted uncomfortably; Carly wasn't letting up. If he didn't know better, he would've thought she'd of made a great detective- she'd done such a great job of turning his hospital cubicle into an interrogation room. Not to mention she had a way of looking at people like she knew what they were hiding. He had to reassure himself that there was no way she could know the truth, that was impossible. No one knew, and no one could know- not if he wanted to keep her safe.

The thought alone sent him right back to the night before. Carly was ranting, threatening his imaginary attacker, and worrying over him all at the same time. But he didn't hear much of it, he was somewhere else in his head. He could practically smell the fish.

Lucas had been surprised when he'd been called to the boss's office. The boss usually sent everyone away when the dangerous blonde woman came to visit. But this time was different. She'd shown up and after a moment with her, the boss had called for him.

He dragged his feet along the cold granite floor of the gray hallway. He had a bad feeling, something that made his stomach go nuts and his mouth particularly dry. There was barely any lighting in the hallway, except for the pathetic glow of a few naked bulbs. The shadowy dark only added to the ominous feeling twisting his gut. He tried to calm himself before he pulled open the heavy metal door and stepped into the iron room.

The boss hadn't been much for decorating, he'd left the only office in the old canary exactly as he'd found it. There were still old crates scattered along the floor and a fishy smell to the building. But the boss had added a thick dark desk, a massive chair for himself and a pair for "guests." The moment Lucas opened the door, the boss offered him one of those seats.

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