vi. swallowin' my pride

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VI.      VIOLET   !
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swallowin' my pride

               Violet returned to her lonely cabin after their visit for Cabin Fifteen. The Khione cabin was one of the farthest ones from the main cabins. Violet was the only person to live there and Chiron seemed to think she would be the only one. After all, while Khione didn't take an oath of womanhood, she rarely was interested in anyone enough to have kids. Violet didn't know why her dad was a special case. He never told her anything about her, just that he had no interest in being a mother. Her father was blunt that way.

Khione's cabin was a wooden square painted blue, with frost and ice covering the roof. The door was made of white wood, the doorknob of pure ice. Inside, only a few beds sat on the snowy floor with the majority of them unused. Violet's bed sat at the back right corner of the cabin with all her belongings neatly scattered around. Her pastel purple bed was made without a crease in the sheets. Picture frames of her and her father, few with her friends, and even professional ones taken of her skating, hung around the wall of her corner. Icicles hung from the ceiling and even snow fell to the ground. It was always a winter wonderland in Violet's cabin.

Violet always found herself staring at her figure skating photos. Back when she was Yang Su-jin, Korea's favorite young figure skater. When she had shorter hair and had to decorate it with hair pins to match her costume. Others found the lifestyle vigorous with the endless training and even ending up bleeding whenever one fell on the ice. But Violet had her father as her trainer, his style was made to make sure she wasn't overworked. She started off young, about five years old.

Her father wasn't confident about her starting such a vigorous path. But eventually, she managed to convince him. Soon figure skating had become her life, the entire thing that kept her in touch with her emotions. Violet, known to the world as Yang Sujin, met everyone she loved through her career. That was of course, before she was forced to go to San Francisco.

A knock on the door took Violet's attention from putting her hair in a ponytail. She let her hair fall down and placed the elastic down on her nightstand. With a few quick steps she opened the door to see Annabeth, her hands crossed over her chest with a concerned look on her face. Before the cold air could hit Annabeth, Violet shut the door behind her and stepped outside.

"Do you trust him, Violet?" Annabeth didn't waste her time on small talk. With Violet she always went straight to the point. The girls had gotten closer the day they met at Annabeth's new school in San Francisco. "I just . . . I need to know if I should or not."

"I . . . I do. At first he was the last person I would think I could trust. But then he saved me from falling without even knowing me . . ." Violet's voice was distant. Jason had no reason to save her, no need to. He could have easily let her fall and turn into a pile of snow at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

"Does he remind you of Percy?"

Violet thought the question to be ridiculous. Jason and Percy were nothing alike in her eyes. Their appearance was different, their personalities, Violet didn't stop to think of Jason being anything like her old friend.

"They're different people, I didn't think of them as the same," Violet shrugged. "Where is this coming from, Annabeth?"

"It's suspicious! Percy disappears, Jason appears. And Hera is his patron? Not to mention he prefers Roman names!" Annabeth was practically pulling out her hair from the ponytail on her head. Violet stood while she watched the blonde pace back and forth her cabin door, biting her nails. "I-I can't do it. I can't trust him, right? It wouldn't be what's right."

𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 - jason grace ¹Where stories live. Discover now