Rewind Pause

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Damn it what the fuck. I felt like my world was slipping out my hands, but shit Justice had another thing coming if she thought she wasn't about to forgive me.

I literally blew up her phone all night, and waited at her house for school. She ain't even come out the house.

When I got to school, well look who was there, Justice.

"Bae can we talk real quick", I asked

All she did was look at me.

"Look Justice its not what you think with her", I tried to explain.

"Oh yea Jaz, well if its not then tell me what the fuck was I reading"

"Alright it do look wrong but I Dont want her, aight, and I can't explain but just know I only want you"

"Well jeez Jaz wonder how many times you've said that", she said as she raised her hand.

"Excuse me, may I change seats", she asked our teacher.

"Uhm, yes there a problem with you and Jazmine", the teacher asked.

"No, she just, isn't very honest", Justice stated.

As she got up to leave I said, "You can't keep away from me Justice".

"Yea, well we'll see"

What the hell, its just like game after game with this girl. I'm not just trying to protect me, I'm trying to protect her to. Kayla's brother would come after both of us.

Justice's P.O.V.

I really can't believe Jaz. I thought she loved me, I thought she cared about me but she's just like everybody else. Cheating. Lying. I'm tired of it. Why couldn't she just love me for me ? Maybe I was doing something wrong ?

No, no....even if I did that's no reason to cheat. I mean, if you Dont want to be with someone, why not tell them instead of making them feel like their being crushed when they find out you weren't down for them the way they were for you ?

Maybe I should listen to Jaz...see what she has to many thoughts, and her blowing up my phone isn't making it any better.

*The next morning*

This was going to be really hard trying to dodge Jaz. I had to leave a lot earlier than planned. I refused to get in her car to or from school.

She looked like a deer in the headlights when I saw her walk in the classroom.

She tried to talk to me but, I really didn't want to hear it. Now every time I saw her all I saw in her eyes was lies. Every word that came from her mouth, lies.

I got tired of it and asked to change seats, I knew I was going to have to do that for every class.

You wanna know what sucks about being with a person ? Time. You can never get the time back you spent with someone. And then when you become focused on them, friends start to disappear, if they were ever there in the first place.

In this case I had no only friend was Jaz...she was everything and it was killing me not to talk to her.

Maybe it was time for me to get some those two boys Jaz told me to stay away from...

Jaz's P.O.V.

Man I haven't talked to Justice all day. She turned out to ignore me better than I thought....I never ment to hurt her.

Damn why she doing this to me...but then again she probably wondering the same thing.

I knew Justice was mad at me but I wasn't just going to leave her after school was over.

I found her nowhere by her locker so she must be outside already.

I walk outside and I wait in my car until I see her. And who woulda guessed it, she was with them bitch ass niggas, Chris and Arman.

I had to stop in my tracks and rewind to what I had just realized.

Looked like she was getting to know them real good, touching on their shoulders and laughing. I was about to fuck shit up, I had never got out my car that quickly.

When I got out I walked straight over to all three and them acting like I was trying to join in the conversation while laughing and backing Justice away from them.

"Ahaha yea, really funny guys, but um we have to go", I said

"What? No, we Dont have to do anything, and we are not a we", Justice explained.

"Justice why the hell are you doing this, what do you have to prove"

"I Dont have to prove nothing Jaz, I'm single so I can do what I want, the real question is what do you have to lie about"

"Single, Justice you got be fucked up, can we just talk about this"

"Talk, talk, talk, is that the only word you know ? Damn Jaz, all you wanna talk about, all you want to say, are lies, I Dont care, now leave"

She must've been out of her mind, trien to talk to me like that. I pulled her up by her arm away from the crowd.

"Ow Jaz, get off of me", Justice yelled in pain

"Justice, you need to stop this showing out shit, and stop talking to them"

"Why Jaz? Huh, why ? Just give me one reason"


"I didn't know I was a secret"

"You're not Justice, shit look, you're my girl and I want to yell that to the world. I could give a fuck less about anyone else opinion, alright, I want you. To be with you just please...", I continued.

"Please what"

"I want you to be my girl, come on man...I think you kinda fly"

She started to smile. I knew what that ment, I got my baby back.

She grabbed my hand and looked at me.

"So is that a yes ?"

"Yes its a yes", she said laughing as she leaned in to kiss me.

Finally right, glad she believed that lie about Kayla...Hopefully the truth Dont catch up to me.

Justice's P.O.V.

I must be the dumbest bitch ever forgiving Jaz. But I couldn't help it.

We got on Facetime later that night, and her tall ass kept putting me on pause. Turns out she kept pausing me to send me a long sweet paragraph. I couldn't help but to want to be all over her again.

Ok yes, she cheated on me. Yes, I had just got out a relationship where I was cheated on but I could tell she was mad at what she did.

I should've let her stay mad, it did nothing but make me weak in my knees.

But I was tired of arguing with Jaz, and it had only been one day. We had better things to do, prom was coming up, and even though Jaz is a girl I was ready to give it up to her.

A week from now...Homecoming night, she's getting this cookie.

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