Wedding Bells

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The only word that could come to my mind at the moment was Damn. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Go head Jaz, explain. Explain why this hoe in your house", commanded Justice as she put clothes on.

"Hoe ? Hold on bitch, look at what you wearing it's obvious you the hoe", said Kayla.

"Might be half way dressed but I bet I can still beat yo cunt ass", replied Justice.

They just kept going back and forth. I wasn't about to but in, cause I mean shit what can I say? I'm wrong with any excuse I try to give at this point.

"Jaz get this bitch out", said Justice

"I can't believe you really pulling this shit Jaz. And with her ? How are we ever supposed to be ready for our wedding if you can't even get rid of some booty call?", asked Kayla.

And there it was. The big ass elephant in the room that was finally let out.

"Wedding ?", Justice asked as she looked at me.

She continued, "What wedding Jazmine"

"Oh bust a nut didn't tell you did she ? We're engaged", Kayla stated as she held up her left hand showing the diamond I have her.

I saw all the sadness and disappointment in Justice eyes flourish like a waterfall of hate and regret. She ran out my house with tears in her eyes as Kayla waved goodbye to her.

"What the fuck is wrong whitchu girl", I screamed at Kayla

"You couldn't get rid of the problem so I did, she's out both of our heads and isn't gonna persuade you anymore. Besides her ass probably woulda turned crazy like her mother, a bitch never falls to far from the tree", Kayla stated with a smirk.

I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her into he walk with all my might.

"The only bitch I see in my eyes is you. That's the love of my life that just ran out that door, all because you figure out a way to always do what you best at when it comes to me and her, and that's fuck shit up. I want out, I want you out my life, everything's off.", I said

"Jaz we both know you can't do that, Kenny will have to neck on a rope if you do this", she said

I put my hand around her neck.

"Fuck Kenny, and fuck you. You the grimmest bitch I ever met in my life. Yo ass Worse than milk marie.", I continued yelling at her until she was out of my house then I searched for Justice, I figured she couldn't get to far.

I thought hard about where she would hide, then it came to me, "now my lul escape, is our escape". I knew exactly where she was.

I ran through the grass to see her in the clear field crouched down. I said her name softly as i walked towards her, she stood up and turned around to me.

"Don't you dare come near me Jazmine", she said with blood shot red eyes.

"Justice look I know I fucked up baby and I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, I never wanted you to find out this way. I was going to end everything to be with you I swear it.", I plead

"How can I even believe you Jaz ? You make me question everything, each day even when you not with me", she said before I interrupted

"You know what that means Just, we're supposed to be together, we're meant to be ", I said

"No Jaz I'm not doing this shit no more. It means you're just like everyone else in this damn town, a liar. You ain't no different and I can't believe I actually saw I change in you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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