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Been gone for a while, sorry 😪. I've been focusing on school so I had to push the writing to the side for a little while. I know I've probably lost some viewers but no big deal, I'll give them some reasons why they need to find their way back. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the rest to come😉, especially the New Years chapter coming soon.

Jazs' POV

"Wake up baby", says Justice with a gentle voice.

I groan to turn over to see her beautiful eyes staring back into mine.

"Come on baby, it's time for school", she stated.

"School?", I said confused.

"Justice, our school got blown up"

"Jaz, what are you talking about? That must've really been a crazy dream you were having"

Dream ? It was all a dream ? The school blowing up? The restraining order? Me going to jail? Justice's mom being a crazy bitch ? Shit was more like a nightmare, but none the less I'm glad it's over.

I climbed from off the bed and went directly into a stretch, you know, one of them stretches that's so good you gotta lay back down

"No Jaz, come on we have to go, we're going to be late"

"Alright Justice alright"

Her whining ass, knew I would have to get her to school on time or I would be hearing her complain for a good week about her attendance.

After I got dressed, we stopped by McDonald's to get two breakfast burritos before continuing to make our way to school. Had to make sure we had something on our stomach cause we both refuse to eat that slop from school.

When we finally arrived I got out the car first so I could let Justice out.

"Thank you baby", she said with a smile

"Anything for my princess", I said as I leaned in for a kiss.

Our lips met, and just like every time, fireworks.

We began to enter the school.

"So, what was all that talk about the school blowing up", she asked

"You wouldn't believe it Justice, it was the craziest dream I've ever had...Your mom ha....", I tried to continue before being interrupted by an alarm.

The school began to shake rapidly. Is this a earthquake?

The alarm keeps getting louder and louder, people are running out of the building. I turn to look at Justice, she looks at me with a blank stare.

"Justice we have to go", I said with a raised voice.

I couldn't hear myself the alarms and shakes of the school covered my efforts. I pulled Justices' arm but she didn't move...it was like she was cemented to the ground .

"JUSTICE", I yelled


She didn't move. She didn't even blink, she just stared at me blankly.

"Justice I'm not leaving you here", I stated.

She opened her mouth and an explosion from two lockers went off.

Lust Over Love( Uncompleted)Where stories live. Discover now