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After biology, we met up with Jacob and started walking to lunch. While we were walking we bumped into who I believe was Iziekiel. He looked surprised and started walking with us whilst whispering to Zara

                                                               Zara's POV:

                                                               Zara's POV:

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We reach downstairs in the cafeteria and walk to a booth. We sit around getting comfortable for about five minutes until Lauren decides to say something "so.. Izeikeil.. is it?" He nodded his head. "How long have you known Zara?" She asked, her head in her hand. "Oh uh.. about eight years.. I think it's been" He said trailing off, looking at me. "Yeah, since third grade. We bonded over-" "Let me guess, Pokémon cards?" Jacob cut me off. I stared down at the table. "Jacob.. shut up." Malia said. Jacob scoffed and turned his attention to his phone "Uhh.. no." Izeikiel continued, "drawing". "Oh yeahh. I noticed Zara drawing in class, he's really good" Malia said smiling. I laughed nervously and fiddled with my hands under the table.

Stop it. I thought, she's just being nice because that's how she is. Don't take it personal.

"Yeah he's pretty good, not better than me though" He said, jokingly. Lauren and Malia laughed while Jacob stayed on his phone. "Well.. since you've known him for so long, would you say he's a good guy?" Lauren continued. "Yeah!" He said. "Zara's like the coolest guy I know" Lauren smiled and so did Malia. "You must not know many people. Makes sense" Jacob said. "Babe, stop, you're being very annoying right now" Lauren said. It was the first time I realized Lauren and Jacob were dating, I didn't know why it didn't stand out to me before. "Zara, are you hungry? We could get something." Malia said, trying to change the subject. "Oh, I don't really eat the school lunch" I say the three of them snicker. "Oh, no.. I mean from the Andersons" "Oh." The Andersons are siblings one girl one boy, Jackie and Jacky, stupid.. I know. They sell snacks in the cafe, chips pastries, and sodas."Oh. Um ok" I replied. "You guys want anything? I'm paying!" She said. "Uh.. get me sprite and a cool ranch Dorito." Jacob said. "Laur, Izeikeil?" "Get me a 'brownie' if you know what I mean" Lauren said winking. I think I knew what she meant. "Um, I'm good" Izeikeil said. "I'll get you a bag of chips" she said pointing to him. She got up ready to make her way there then stopped "coming, Zara?" She asked me. "Uh.. yeah" I said getting up to follow her. 

We walked through the cafe. "Hey, I'm sorry about Jacob. He's a really cool person when you get to know him. He's just really protective of me." I gave her a confused look. "Well, I've knew him since kindergarten and he's watch my heart get broken a lot of times, I- it's just the way he is to.. people like you" "Like me..?" "Sorry like- well any guy I would bring to our group.. a potential love interest.. but you and me- were not like that, I believe we're more than that Zara." She left me speechless as we made our way to the kids

"Ayee, Mali" Jackie said as he dabbed Malia up "Malia, our best paying customer!" Jacky said, smiling at her. Malia laughed. "Let me get one bag of cool ranch, one hot cheetos, one sprite and a brownie" She said. "Feeding the whole table huh?" Jackie said as he reached in a big black back pack. "Y'know it! I'm a giver, it's what we do" she said tucking her curls behind her face . Gosh she's so cute. I was lost looking at her until Jackie snapped his fingers in my face.

"Hey kid, she asked you a question" he said. "Uhm- huh?" I said as I began to twiddle with my hands again. I always do it when I get anxious. "I asked if you wanted anything" Jacky said, her long red hair layed over her shoulder. "Oh uh.. it's okay." I said. Malia took my hand and I gasped, looking down at my shoes. "He'll have a chocolate chip cookie pack, a regular one" she said. I looked up and caught her gaze on me, she gave me a reassuring look. I guess she knew I was nervous. Jackie laughed as he gave Malia the bag with the snacks. "Ten dollars, curls" He said, gesturing to Malia. She reached in her pocket and pulled out a twenty. "Can you break this? She asked. "I got you" he handed the twenty to Jacky and she gave Jackie the change. "Thanks, Red" she said as we walked away, gesturing to Jackie.

 "So uh.." I started, "Are you and Jackie a thing?" I asked, genuinely curious. She laughed hard "definitely not Za, he's just friendly, and I guess you could tell so am I." Za.. a nickname?! Wow. "Oh.." I said. We got back to our booths and Malia gave every one their snacks. "Thanks M." Lauren said. "preciate you, M." Jacob said. "Thanks, Malia" Izeikeil said. "No problem guys, it's no problem at all." She said. She handed me my cookies and placed her head in her hands. "Shit. I forgot something for me" she laughed. "Typical you, always looking out for others and not thinking about YOURSELF" Lauren said, joking. They laugh. "You could always have a piece of my brownie." She said, waving it in her face. Malia swatted her hand "yea, I'm good, girl." "Um.. you could have one of my cookies." I said. "You're a life saver, Za, my head hurts soo bad" she said reaching out for one. "Za? Cute" Jacob said, taking a sip of his sprite. "Again Jacob.. shut up" Malia said. We all laughed.

                                                                          Later that night:

It was 6:00 o clock and my mom was making dinner. I smiled as I smelled ropa veija in the air. I keep my eyes on the tv as I got a notification I turned on my phone to see @malimayhem followed you on Instagram. I clicked on it to see her profile, she had 673 followers and was following 439 people. I followed her back and look at her photos. There was one of her drinking Boba, and a slideshow of about four pictures of her and Lauren posing in a mirror. I think they were in a try on room. They had on weird funny outfits. I laughed and scrolled down to see a bikini picture of Malia at the beach. I blushed and wiped my face. I try to exit her page but accidentally like her picture "FUCK" I shouted as I exit her page, fastly.

"ZARA" my mom shouted "YES?!" I shout back. She didn't answer. I groaned and walked out my room. "What is it, ma?" I ask as I walk down the stairs. "Dinner's done" she says "Nice. Thanks mom" I say as she gives me a plate.

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