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Drake P.O.V.

So Chris think he not going camping with me..cause he scared of an fake monster that people up like 50 or 60 years to get fame and money. He have another thing coming he going with me like it or not. Going out outside i start up my jeep and back it up to the back door. All i need know is to wait til Chris is a sleep in put him in the jeep.

Couple Hours Later

Going upstair i look at the hallway clock it was 11:30 pm and surprising Chris is sleeping..the only thing i have to do it pack our bag and throw them in and chris also i just have to make sure not to wake him.

Putting the begs in the jeep i walk up to chris and my room..lifting him up bridal style..carrying him downstair i put him in the backseat of the jeep. Getting in the jeep i start driving to the camping site.

Chris P.O.V.

Bump...bump...what the fuck? Opening my eyes i look down to see a grey rugs ??what i dont have any rugs in my room? Sitting up i saw trees moving..very fast...then it hit me i was in freaking car!

Drake: Morning

Chris: Drake where are we?

Drake: To go camping

Chris: I told you yesterday i dont went to go camping..

Drake: I know but this be good for you

Chris: I swear to god i will jump out and walk back home..

Drake: No you not..

Chris: Watch me..

opening the door i jump out. i start rolling in some dusty making a cloud around me..looking up i start that the jeep stop...and drake getting out smiling...looking around i realize that we was already at the camping site.


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