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Exhausted and frustrated, you hurry through the unexpected downpour, lamenting, "Why does this always happen to me?" Tonight, you had to work overtime as punishment for arriving late and missing a deadline. Despite having a valid reason, you knew your boss wouldn't listen. Rain can be lovely and peaceful, but not when you're caught outside. With no trains or taxis available, tears of frustration well up. You glance at the lively nightclubs, tempted but determined to reach your humble abode safely. Running through the streets of Kamarucho, a folder shields your face, hindering your vision. Time seems to drag as you approach your apartment. Suddenly, a dark silhouette looms ahead, and before you can react, you collide hard.


Amidst the swirling papers, a firm grip clamps onto your arm, promising a mark that will linger later that night. A mysterious figure emerges in the dim alley, his features obscured by the darkness, yet your own face is revealed to him. His hushed admiration for your appearance is evident.

"Woah there! Now, what's a pretty lady like you doing out here this late at night?" he exclaims, his voice smooth like velvet, as he adjusts you and retrieves the slightly wet papers and folder. You stumble over apologies, captivated by his velvety voice.

"No worries, are you hurt?" he inquires, his hand on your shoulder, its warmth branding you.

"I-I'm okay. Really!" you manage, your intrigue growing. The empty streets bear witness as he offers an unconventional chivalry, a late-night escort.

He leans closer, his eyes glinting in the shadows. "This is no place for a lady like you to be out this late. Please, let me escort you to your place or nearby it," he suggests, his voice carrying an air of genuine concern.

Well... it is really late and this man has been nothing but polite, you thought to yourself.

"I'll take that offer... thank you," you say, your smile directed up at him, his breath momentarily stolen by your presence. Words fail him as he gazes upon your face, a sensation he thought long forgotten. Yet, practicality takes hold, and he notices your shivering form.

"Where are my manners? Let me lend you my coat!" he exclaims, a touch of urgency in his voice as he unbuttons his suit and drapes it over your shoulders. He had just escaped a mundane, tedious meeting, feeling as though he could have witnessed more engaging exchanges in a local retirement home.

The suit envelops your body, carrying the warmth and essence of his cologne, a sensory embrace that leaves you in a daze.

"Thank you so much. It means a lot," you express, and together you navigate the labyrinthine alleyways of Kamurocho. Occasionally, you encounter inebriated workers stumbling in your path, only for the mysterious man to deftly ushers them away, leaving you both to continue unhindered. Brief sneak peeks of him in his red dress shirt and black pants capture your attention, a subtle fascination building between you. Admiring him, a sudden crack in the pavement jolts your stability. His arm swiftly wraps around you, offering a secure hold. "Careful now! At this rate, you'll make me have to carry you!" he teases, his words laced with a playful tone.

Your eyes widen as the mystery dissipates, revealing his features to you. His image sears into your memory - his black hair falling against his skin, the gleam in his brown eyes reflecting the nearby streetlight, and the eyepatch that adds an intriguing edge. Others might recoil from his appearance, but to you, he's nothing short of captivating. Handsome yet enigmatic. Tender yet bold. Amidst the electric and thick air, you gather your thoughts and manage to speak.

"Although I wouldn't mind, you've already done so much for me," you assert, your voice carrying gratitude and a trace of newfound admiration.

His laughter dances through the streets as he gently guides your hand to rest in the crook of his arm, an unexpected closeness that reveals the firmness of his biceps. A delightful warmth tingles within you - perhaps this night isn't as bleak as it seemed.

After a few more blocks, the apartment complex stands before you, your goal achieved. Regrettably, it's time to part ways with the man who has been your companion through the city's labyrinth.

"Thank you for dropping me off. You really didn't have to!" you express, a mixture of appreciation and reluctance.

"Nonsense! Leaving a lady alone in this city would be foolish. Besides, I genuinely enjoyed our time together," he responds, a subtle blush tinging his cheeks as he averts his gaze.

With a quick flourish, you retrieve pen and paper from your purse, your heart racing as you hastily jot down your name and phone number. Handing him the note, his gloved fingers brushing yours sends a shiver down your spine. Illuminated by the growing light, you take a moment to admire his figure - he's undeniably your type.

"I had a great time with you. I truly hope we can meet again!" you declare, met with a cocky yet charming grin that spreads across his face. His response catches you off guard, laced with playful disbelief.

"Haaw? Are you suggesting you're interested in going on a date with me?!" he teases, your excitement evident as you eagerly nod in agreement. In his presence, a newfound confidence blossoms within you, and the prospect of a future encounter feels exhilarating.

"That's exactly what I'm saying,"

"Then it's official! I'll reach out whenever I find some free time. Unfortunately, I have some more pressing matters to attend to, so I must take my leave," he declares, punctuating his words with a crazy laugh that sends a delightful shiver down your spine. After a few more exchanges, you bid each other farewell.

As he starts to walk away from the apartment complex, a realization dawns upon you - his coat still rests on your shoulders. Without hesitation, you call out, "Wait! You forgot your suit-"

Before you can finish, he turns back, a playful wink accompanied by a charming smile. In the blink of an eye, he melts into the obscurity of the night, leaving you standing there, his coat a tangible reminder of the captivating encounter.

Stepping into your apartment, an irresistible impulse compels you to clutch his coat against you. The racing of your heart and the trembling of your hands reminds you of the emotions you've longed for. The thrill of newfound curiosity and intrigue over a person's presence has been absent from your life for too long. Yet, even from this initial encounter, you're trapped under his spell.

A sudden wave of exhaustion washes over you. Glancing at the time, you swiftly refresh yourself with a shower before retreating to your bed. As you look up, the hung coat serves as a memento of the energetic and crazy man. Just as sleep claims you, a lingering thought tiptoes into your mind.

His name... what was it?


This Man (Majima Goro x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now