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A/N: Hope ya'll enjoy ;)

The night after your unforgettable first date, you drifted into sleep like a carefree child. While the details of your dreams slipped through your fingers, one thing was for sure - Majima was in them. No alarms to heed today or tomorrow, so you relished sleeping in. And when you finally woke up, there it was - a smile, the kind you hadn't felt in years.

Upon rousing from slumber, you found your grip tight around Majima's left-behind suit. An unfamiliar attachment had taken root within you, swift and potent. Shaking off the surprise, you slid out of bed, embracing your customary morning routine. Amid preparations, the prospect of the upcoming aquarium date cast an exuberant glow over your demeanor. Imagining sea creatures in tandem, sharing cute matching trinkets, savoring the place's aesthetic allure - each idea etched a grin across your face. Surveying your closet, you selected an outfit for the day's rendezvous - a blend of chic and casual.

Abruptly, your phone's ring pierced the air, prompting immediate attention. Your pulse danced as Majima's name adorned the screen.

"Be swingin' by later today! Weather's prime for a stroll - that is, if you're up for it ;)"

The concept resonated with a chance to draw nearer to him.

"Sounds ideal! Count me in for anything, as long as it's just us!"

With the message sent, your phone found itself hurled onto the bed in haste. The realization struck - what had possessed me? A whirlwind of confidence unfurled, though you couldn't fathom its origin. After all, you'd only crossed paths a few days prior.


"Really now? Looks like I'll just have to keep whisking you away to different spots!"

A huge grin stretches across your face as his text sinks in - he's got a knack for making you feel overjoyed. He suggests a time, and you quickly agree, giving you a chance to decide what to wear.

Choosing your outfit turns out to be a breeze. You opt for a white skirt and a light blue sweater, lucky that it's not too heavy and won't make you sweat. Somewhere in your thoughts, you realize you're humming to yourself and can't stop smiling. This moment feels like a dream, so different from your past that was filled with negativity, especially when it came to love. But today... today feels different. You push away those old thoughts and focus on this new opportunity to make things better.

Time flies as you fix your hair and put on your makeup to match your outfit. Glancing at your phone, you see it's time to leave your apartment and wait for Majima. One last look in the mirror confirms you're happy with your choice. Your phone buzzes again, and it's Majima saying he's outside. You hurry, excited, and when he comes into view, waving, you can't help but giggle. And then you see him - he's wearing a tight black long-sleeved shirt and black leather pants. Your eyes can't help but linger; he looks so good, and it's clear he likes what he sees too. You feel his gaze trail over you, igniting a delightful shiver.

"Wow, ya look absolutely gorgeous today. Well, yer gorgeous every day," he says, that smile of his aimed right at you, making your heart skip a beat. You blush and look down, feeling a mixture of flattery and bashfulness.

"Thanks... You look really handsome. I could stare at you forever," you reply, your voice trembling just a bit. Those words came from the heart. Could it be? Have you really fallen for this guy?

A gloved hand delicately lifts your chin, directing your gaze to meet his. "Tell me that straight to my face, Y/N," he challenges, his eye penetrating your soul with intensity. The emotions swirling within you are almost overwhelming. So close that his breath lightly brushes your skin, and your faces share an intimate proximity. A surge of confidence compels you to meet his gaze head-on.

This Man (Majima Goro x Female Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant