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A/N: This chapter is a long one so put your seatbelts on!! LOL

(Also, I added this Majima photo since his facial expression is what I imagined for a specific scene in the chapter :3)

The blaring alarm couldn't outdo your excitement, already wide awake at the thought of your date with Majima. With hours to spare before work, you deliberate over the perfect outfit. Your plan: start the day in office attire, then transform into your date-night outfit in the ladies' room before leaving.

Outfit prepared, your mind shifts to the upcoming night. Though the workday ahead is a drag, the anticipation of the evening's reward fuels your determination. Majima's suit hangs in your peripheral vision, an alluring presence. Drawn to it, you approach, admiring the quality even without being a fashion expert. A gleaming pin catches your eye, prompting a closer look. Is it a work symbol or perhaps a brand emblem?

Dismissing the distraction, you steal glances at his suit. His cologne's lingering scent on your hands draws you in repeatedly. Shaking off the reverie, you snap back to reality and realize work time is approaching. Despite the sigh-inducing thought, you make your way to change.

Fast forward to reaching your office; coworkers share news of the boss' absence due to an unexpected family emergency. Hope for a smoother day emerges. Settling into your cubicle, you dive into your tasks with a newfound focus. A shift in your demeanor doesn't go unnoticed by colleagues. Typically, you bring an aura of fatigue and detachment, but today, an air of happiness accompanies each step. Filing papers and scanning documents, you steal moments to daydream about the impending date. As hours pass, your excitement intensifies. What will his attire be? And the venue for the evening?

With an hour remaining on the clock, you finally take notice. Today's leisurely pace is a welcome change. Your bag of clothes in tow, you meticulously log out of your company accounts on the devices and head to the ladies' room. Setting your bag securely, you unveil a black, silky, and sparkling dress that accentuates your curves, instilling confidence. Matching heels, elegantly proportioned, and gleaming white pearls become your chosen accessories. Post-dress and hair adjustments, a spritz of your favorite perfume completes the ensemble.

Surveying the mirror, you admire your transformation, proud of your efforts. Noticing Majima's suit in your now-empty bag—originally meant for return—you stash the bag in your personal work locker and head toward the exit. Compliments from colleagues add to your soaring confidence. Stepping outside, you're met with an early evening sky of perfection: gentle breeze, cool temperature—a flawless day. Positioned conveniently, a bench awaits just beyond the building's entrance, your chosen spot to await Majima.

Glancing at your phone, a brief message is sent: "Just finished work! Waiting on the bench outside. Eager for tonight! :)"

Inhaling the crisp air, your wait extended endlessly. Each passing minute amplified your nervousness, and doubts crept in. Had the text been too forward? Negative thoughts filled your mind, leading you to pace around the bench. Concerned colleagues checked on you as they left for the day, but you masked your inner turmoil with a composed exterior. Assuring them you were fine and your date was en route, you held your emotions in check. As the night deepened, darkness engulfed your surroundings, and the threat of tears loomed. Perhaps he canceled the date. The idea shattered your heart; he seemed like the one, someone different. Defeated, you headed home, grateful you hadn't worn your taller high heels.

Walking back home in what felt like a walk of shame, negativity consumed you, blinding you to the approaching black, unmarked car. Its horn blared, momentarily startling you. Panic set in—kidnapping? Just another layer to your worsening day. Abruptly, the car screeched to a halt beside you. Dread turned to surprise as the back door swung open, revealing Majima himself, wide-eyed. Mixed emotions swelled; happiness at his appearance, yet he had let you down. The rollercoaster of emotions felt like a curb stomp to your heart. Meeting his gaze, you handed him his suit, a silent testament to your feelings.

This Man (Majima Goro x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now