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Following the aquarium date with Majima, your connection deepened over time. He consistently extended invitations to various outings, punctuated by shared kisses during moments of heightened tension. By the 6th rendezvous, you felt at ease opening up to him. Taking initiative, you invited him to your cherished apartment - a place that encapsulated your best, worst, and most challenging days. It was your sanctuary, a space you always returned to. Just as your apartment provided solace, Majima had evolved into your newfound emotional refuge.

Summoning your courage, you posed your significant question to him. Without hesitation, he enthusiastically agreed - and not just casually. A monumental grin illuminated his face as if his sheer excitement could barely be contained within the confines of his expression. In unison, you both settled on a precise time and date for his visit, a decision that left you eagerly anticipating his arrival.

And now, the long-awaited day has arrived, the day of his visit. Meticulously, you curated a fresh ensemble designed to catch his gaze and hold his attention. Secretly relishing the fact, you cherished the sensation of being the focus of his regard. With a blend of excitement and bashfulness, you meticulously applied your makeup, spritzed a delicate aroma, and arranged your hair – each step carried out with a growing grin as you spun delightful scenarios within your imagination.


The sound of your phone made you jump. Instantly, you jumped on your feet and read a text message. It's...Majima!

"Close by ya apartment, Y/N!"

A soft, amused giggle escaped your lips as you gracefully navigated your way to the entrance. Access to the apartment complex was granted only through a keycard, an essential to unlock the building's doors. Hence, you descended to the main floor with cheerful anticipation, unfazed by the brief detour. If you had wished, you could have danced your way down with unbridled enthusiasm. However, a delightful surprise awaited you as you approached your apartment door – there stood Majima, just a step ahead of you in reaching the destination. Swiftly, your hand reached for the door, aligning perfectly with his punctuality, and with an exuberant smile, you swung open the door to extend a warm and timely greeting.

Your impulses took over, compelling you to envelop him in a genuine embrace. A deep, hearty chuckle resonated from his chest, the sound echoing the sentiment of his words, "I've been achin' for yer hugs, Y/N! If this keeps up, I might end up with an hourglass shape from how snug yer hugs are!" His jesting remark was punctuated with an equally earnest return of the embrace, the two of you intertwined with a shared warmth.

As you continued your dialogue, your connection unbroken, you embarked on a shared journey toward your room. Fortunately, the technical glitches that had plagued the elevators had been rectified, eliminating any concern about exhausting yourselves on the ascent.

The elevator ride seemed to crackle with an electrifying tension, an invisible thread of desire weaving itself between you and Majima. Your thoughts spiraled, teasing your imagination with images of him. Within the elevator's confines, the two of you shared an intimate solitude. Your fingers gripped his arm throughout the ascent, the sensation of contact igniting a welcomed burn that had grown dear to you. Yet, amidst the heat, a question lingered - did he share this sensation?

He does.

The door to your room swung open at last, revealing a haven of tranquility that mirrored the peace you felt in Majima's presence. To him, your apartment embodied you in every way, each photograph capturing a moment from your shared dates coaxing a smile onto his lips. The room was infused with a gentle sweetness, a fragrance that his perceptive nose accurately discerned. His instincts hadn't betrayed him, as evidenced by the delectable dessert you were in the midst of baking – a sweet treat he held a fondness for. "Haw? You whipped up a dessert?" he exclaimed, a hint of surprise tinting his features. With your explanation that it was meant for both of you, a rosy hue spread across his cheeks. At that moment, your devotion to him radiated like an incandescent glow. The depth of your feelings was unwavering; I'd do anything for him...

This Man (Majima Goro x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now