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Deep within the woods settled a village of dragons for many sanctuaries. Dragons, being peaceful and kind, lived all around places like this, which were called Dragon Realms. They all lived in harmony and awaited patiently for the Year of the Dragons.

Every twelve years, the Dragon Kingdom hosts its most precious event, the Year of the Dragon Festival. Even when a new generation of dragons is brought to the world.

The elders had carefully placed the dragon eggs in their sacred temple, eagerly awaiting their hatching.

As the sun began to rise, the first egg started to crack open, and a tiny dragon emerged. One by one, the eggs hatched, and the guardians picked up their young charges with care and joy.

The village was filled with laughter and excitement as they prepared to peacefully raise the dragon hatchlings. Hatchlings started flapping their tiny wings, flying around and playing with each other.

One of the guardians had an eye on the little purple dragon, picking him up carefully so she could inspect him. It was his mother.

"What will be his hame?" Another male dragon asked dragoness.

She looked at big sstatue located in front of them representing heir hero.

"I'll name him, Spyro."

Little Spyro, excitedly jumped around his mother and the others.

Just as one of the elders had fun with their children. A ground shaken, leaving them shocked. Then it shook again, followed by cracks that appeared on pillars of temple.


Suddenly, a loud explosions were heard outside, which straddled others. Screaming from outside. Elders looked at each other, not knowing what was happening. Suddenly, the temple began to collapse, forcing dragons outside.

Hatchlings looked frightened, clinging to their guardians, and watching buildings crumble one by one in ruins.

"We are under the attack!" One of the guardians yelled to others. "Fast save as many kids as possible!"

An unknown enemy launched surprise attacks that caused panic and destruction. Their goal, to get and eradicate all newly hatched dragons including Spyro.

Sooner explosions appeared all around the village, forcing elders along with their hatchlings to run around and fly among the chaos and ruins, trying to save themselves and their little dragons. Smoke rises from fire and ashes falling, making it harder for poor dragons to escape.

Amidst the turmoil, a young hatchling named Spyro watched in despair as he saw the frightened faces of his fellow villagers and heard screams of their gruesome fate.

Everything collapsed. A little purple dragon found himself among ruins with everyone running around, smoke and fire rising among them.

Spyro ran in the hope of finding a safe place and maybe his parents. His mother, seeing the danger approaching, scooped him up in her protective talons and rushed to the nearest wall, where a crack offered a hidden refuge for someone his size to fit perfectly and stay unnoticed.

"Stay hidden, Spyro. I promise I'll come for you when it's safe. Help will arrive soon, but you need to stay hidden," she said with tears in her eyes, hugging the little dragon before departure.

"Mom?..." Spyro didn't want to leave his mother's side. He clung to her, not wanting to let her just the day hatched. She placed him carefully inside wall cracks.

And with that, she disappeared into the chaos, leaving Spyro alone in the darkness. He huddled in the dark crevice, listening to the chaos outside. 

The terrific experience left the little dragon unable to move or leave.

Crying quietly in the wreckage, hoping to be unnoticed, he awaited for danger to leave.

Closing his ears and squeezing, he waited and waited for everything to go away.

Time seemed to stretch on as Spyro anxiously waited, hoping the danger would pass. He clenched his tiny claws and tried to keep quiet, even as the sounds of battle echoed around him.

Finally, the noise subsided, and the village fell silent. Spyro slowly peeked out from his hiding spot, searching for any signs of his mother. But she was nowhere to be found.

Tears welled up in Spyro's eyes as he realized she hadn't come back for him yet.

It wasn't only his mother. There was no one else around. He is completely alone among the ruins of his home.

Spyro sat down, looking at everything completely devastated. Feeling the wind blowing and the heat of nearby flames.

Everything is quiet and disturbing.

The sun had set, casting a haunting glow over the charred remains of Spyro's once-vibrant home. The young dragon trembled with grief and fear, his innocent eyes filled with tears.

He had witnessed the merciless attack that claimed the lives of his parents.

Minutes went by and Spyro sat waiting for something to happen. 

Maybe mom or others will come for me... or... maybe not. He sighed fearing the worst possible scenario.

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