Short story

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It's the morning of the first day of school and I was attending Burnsville High School. I sat in my 1st hour math class, the teacher Mrs. Reed was talking about her expectations for our class this year. She talked about being on time, bringing all your supplies and wearing appropriate clothes even though my school had relaxed dress. I was wearing a black crop top with ripped black jeans and my new shoes. I also added on some jewelry and my favorite purse. Mrs. Reed was still talking but I stopped listening when I got a text from my best friend Candice. She asked me what my next class was so I sent her a picture of my schedule. She replied back saying we have the same 2nd hour. I got excited until another text came up saying she has that same class with her boyfriend. I was taken back by the comment because it was my first time hearing about it. Why didn't she tell me she had a boyfriend? It was all I could think about until my next class.

After the first hour was over I rushed to my second class, something in me just felt eggar to see her boyfriend. I got to class and I was about the 3rd person to arrive. My teacher Mrs. Monro let us into class and we got to pick our seats. I sat near the back of the class making sure to save a seat for Candice. As I waited for class to start I pulled out my phone and started scrolling on instagram. It felt like it took forever to hear the bell ring and when it finally did I heard the door shut as the last person walked in. I looked up from my phone and saw Candice, but my eyes didn't stick on her. I was hooked on the tall figure walking in behind her holding her hand. He had shoulder length dreads that covered his face. He was wearing a plain white tee and black Nike joggers. He looked familiar, I think he was on the basketball team. As they started to come towards me I shifted my eyes away from him and onto Candice, then plastered a smile on my face.

"Heyy girl" she said sitting next to me.

"Heyy" I replied

"So how are you?" She asked

"I was good, until I found out my best friend didn't tell me she had a man!" I say with a fake eye roll.

"Girl I'm sorry I was going to tell you, but I thought the perfect moment would be in person."

"I guess" I say with a shrug

Mrs. Moonre started class and basically talked about the same topics we went over in first hour. As class was about to end the teacher gave us time to ourselves but I just decided to talk to Candice.

"So what's his name?" I ask

"Micheal, matter of fact let me introduce yall" She says with a wide grin.

She turns to my Micheal to get his attention and my heart starts to race and I feel like I know why.

"Micheal, this is my best friend, as you know. Faith" She says with a smile.

He knew about me? But I didn't know about him! I think to myself. I can't believe she told him about me. I wonder what he thinks. Coming back to reality, I just wave and smile.

He nods and says "what's good"

I held back my smile. I can't like him, he's my best friend's boyfriend. Plus I just met him, maybe this excitement from seeing her happy! I let myself agree on that as I said my goodbyes and packed my stuff to head to my next class.

Lunch was about to begin so headed down to the lunchroom. Candice said she'd meet me down there. I saved us a spot near the corner where there were large windows and a regular round table. Waiting for her to walk in I pulled out my phone and watched Tik Tok. A minute went by and I heard a chair pull from my table. I looked up shocked to see it was Micheal not Candice.

"Hey Faith." He said with a light wave

My heart dropped, so all I could do was wave back.

"Candice went to the bathroom, she'll be right back" he said while pulling out his phone.

IdeasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora