Sacrifical Lamb

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Names Gage. Porter Gage; and by the looks of it, he's really gotten himself into a mess. He's currently tied up and face to face with some red headed man.

How'd he end up here you ask?

Let's go back to yesterday. He woke up to what seemed like a normal day. Getting ready and swigging down a Red Bull, he headed to work. By work I mean his gangs hideout. Yeah, that's right. This little idiot decided it was a good idea to join the gang-life instead of, oh I don't know, graduating high school and going to college?

Yeah. He joined the gang less than 3 months ago. At twenty two years old, his life is already headed down the wrong path, and Gage, well he loved it! He was always in trouble, in and out of detention in school and suspended a few times. Finally he just dropped out, much to his parents dismay. They tried to get him to grow up by refusing to house him. Jokes on them though, he started working with this gang and has made plenty of money to get by.

He taps on his phone, scrolling through Facebook some before he gets to the hideout. Once he's there, the cellphone goes into his pocket. Serious business this. Even a jokester like him knew when the gang leader says "no phones" he means, NO PHONES.

Somehow, he didn't like the boss. That didn't matter though, as long as he was making a cut off the money made, he didn't really care about the boss. His name is "Rowan."

Rowan: "Alright settle down. We got something big to discuss."

The others quiet down, a few hitting the others to grab their attention.

Rowan: "Todays hit is going to be a little different. We strike at night, in and out, quick robbery, large place. Nobody will be home. I'm putting Gage in charge of lookout duty."

Gage: "A-alone?"

That's odd. There's never just ONE lookout.

Rowan: "I think you can handle it by yourself. Place is pretty isolated. Besides, didn't you say you wanted to "do more" around here?"

Shit he did say that...

Gage: "Alright. Just lookout duty. I can do it."

Rowan grins, "Good. The rest of you will stay and go over preparations. It's a big house, so everyone will need to be thorough. Gage, you can take the rest of the day and rest."

He doesn't have to tell Gage twice. His ass is out the door, headed to his rinky-dink apartment.

Once nightfall hits, he meets up at the hideout, and they head to the place. Rowan wasn't lying either, it's huge! Big yard too, all fenced in.

However, it's too easy. They go straight up the driveway and everyone except Gage hurries inside. What's up with this place? Why was Rowan so confident here?

As Gage is standing up front on the porch lost in thought, he's knocked unconscious by a sudden blow to the head. When he wakes up, he's all tied up on a bed.

What the hell?

What is this?!

Gage: "F-fuck! Rowan!"

No answer and no sound, except his own heartbeat in his ears. Someone must've been here already, or maybe a rival gang was here. Rowan left him behind though!

I mean sure the kid wasn't exactly dependable but seriously?! Left behind just like that?!

The sound of a door closing stops his thoughts. He wants to get up, run, and hide, but he physically can't move. The sound of a voice, deep and enough to make him shiver, comes from downstairs.

"Check the rooms."

Then the sound of footsteps echos from the stairway. They're coming up here!

Gage: "Shit-shit-shit!" He whispers excitedly, desperate to get even just a touch of slack on the ropes, but it's no use. Whoever tied him up did It really good. Almost like they've done this before. It has to be a rival gang!

The door creaks open, and his brown eyes lock onto amber ones.

The male is tall, muscular, red hair and beard, and he's staring right at him...confused?

"The hell is this?"

He asks, and Gage wants to physically throw up.

Gage: "L-look man..I dunno what happened or why i'm if you could just untie me, I'll be on my way."

"This doesn't make any sense." The man whispers to himself, then responds to himself with, "Unless..."

"Where's Rowan?"

Gages brown eyes widen at the name, making the man grin.

"Oh so you do know him."

Gage: "L-look I just work for him-I have no idea what's going on and I-"

"Don't care. Where's Rowan?"

Gage: "I don't know! We were all here and then I got knocked out by someone!"

The man continues to grin, finding this all very humorous.

"Right, well, you're obviously not seeing what im seeing."

Gage: "What?"

"Rowan knocked you out and tied you up. He thinks this little "gift" of his is enough to pardon him being late on my money."

Gage is quiet, processing what the man just said.

Rowan owes this guy money...and instead of meeting here to pay up, he tricked him into coming and knocked him out, only to tie him up as a sort of gift to Ginger man here.

Gage: "I...I'll tell you where he is, just...just let me go. I had no idea about any of that."

"Not so fast now. You are a gift after all. Surely Rowan thought you were worth giving to me, since he knows I kill those who are useless."


Gage can't speak anymore, he's just stunned, eyes wide. Just who the fuck is this guy?

"I'll give you a chance. You've bought your boss some time. I'll let him know."

Oh shit.

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