One Sided Deal

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He was manhandled by a few men, put into a van and drove somewhere with a handkerchief over his eyes so he couldn't see the way in or out.

He's still tied up, so the same men carry him into the building and to what feel like a...bed. This isn't good. He needs to get out of here asap.

He can't see a damn thing but he can feel his phones still in his pocket. If he could just fish it out!

There's a creak of the door, and he knows exactly who it is. The whole fucking aura of the room changes when he walks in. It's Ginger Man.

His amber eyes scan the scene, though Gage can't see a thing.

"What's your name?"

Gage hesitates to answer that, but is he really in a position to disobey? Maybe if he brown noses he'll get out of here in one piece. He definitely doesn't want to be in another gang after this either! He'll get a good job somewhere, maybe off shore or over the road...

Gage: " names Gage."

"You're quite obedient Gage. That's good. It'll keep you alive longer."

Gage swallows, and good god Ginger Man could probably hear it too. Why is this room so quiet?

"You don't have to be so afraid. You do what I say, and you'll be just fine here."

What time is it? Must be late as hell...

Suddenly he feels the bed shift, and then the handkerchief is pulled off. He leans in, and it makes Gage want to squirm away.

"You've got nice eyes, you know that~"


Gage: "Don't!"
He yells out, squirming now, not caring about any consequences. However, it only makes the red headed man laugh.

"Did you suddenly realize your situation?"

Gage: "Don't touch me!"

The man just grins, finding this even more humorous than before.

Gage: "Look Ginger Man, just let me go! Whatever Rowan owes you, that's between you two, not me! I have nothing to do with this!"

He's pulling and squirming but the ropes aren't budging.

"My name is Greger, and you will call me by my name or else. Do you understand?"

Damn his voice is so deep and demanding, it almost makes Gage give in right away.


Gage: "Like I said, I've got nothing to do with any of this! I don't want to know your name or this place!"

Greger: "Alright, alright." He says softly, putting his hands up, a sign of peace.

Greger: "I won't touch you. I'll let my men have you instead."

Gage: "Your men?"

Greger: "Yeah. They'll take turns, and just chain you up for another day when they're done. Sounds better right?"

How in the hell is that better?

Gage: "I don't want that!"

Greger: "Well Gage, your choices are them or me. You'd better choose wisely though. I'm not as nice as they are."

Gage thinks for a moment. There really was no escaping this situation at the moment. He'd never been with any men before, only women, so this was gonna hurt like hell either way.

Question is, one man or multiple men? He'd have a better chance of escaping just the one right?

Besides that, once he cums, it's over. He'd rather one man one time than several men back to back. This is the best choice.

Gage: "I"

Oh good god that came out way worse than he thought...How embarrassing.

Greger grins.

Greger: "You sure?"

Gage nods, shifting his body as if he was prepared for it.

Greger chuckles a bit while pushing Gage onto his stomach so he could fool with the ropes.

Greger: "You think that's better, but it's not. I'm so much worse."

Gage tries to ignore his words. There's no way he's worse than multiple men. He's bluffing. As soon as there's some slack on the ropes, Gage twists and turns, going straight for his phone. However, Greger grabs his wrist and gets the phone.

Greger: "Did you really think you were gonna call for help? That's cute~"

Gage growls a bit, and watches as Greger tosses the phone to the floor. He should've waited to do that...

Greger: "Now behave, or else this is going to be much worse for you."

Gage gets pushed onto his back, and Greger leans down. Ugh, this is so unfair.

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