forget | chase

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I wake up really excited because today is my birthday. And the family always goes big for birthdays. I turn over to see Chase, and today I'll just let him sleep in.

I get up and go to the bathroom, take a shower and do my morning routine. I walk out of the bath to see chase getting changed, BUT he had everything on but a shirt.

So I looked away, and let him put a shirt on. He walked up to me, and I though he was gonna say happy birthday. But he didn't he just gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

And he walked downstairs, I followed behind him. As soon as I got to the last step. Everyone starting saying happy birthday and the dogs were barking.

Mike came up to me and gave me a hug, and so did Lex. Oreo jumped on me, I petted her while we ate breakfast.

And I smiled the whole time until I realized that Chase forgot my birthday. My own bf forgot my birthday.


As soon as I got up from my table after eating dinner I ran upstairs. Because I needed to ask Chase if he really did forget. I went in his room to see him on his bed watching TikTok. Like always.

"Um baby?" I ask

"Yea?" He says looking up from his phone

"Did you forget my birthday?"

"Yeah..... I'm sorry." He says sounding very sad

It's whatever. It's fine." I say trying to smile and hid the pain

"I'm really sorry." He says rapping his arms around me

My smile just went to a straight line. I mean how could he forget my birthday. I mean don't get me wrong I loved today. This family does everything for me.

But still he's my boyfriend and it's important to me. While im still in his arms. I kinda just think to myself, should I leave or stay?

Doesn't sound like much of a serious question, but I sound like I'm exaggerating. And I think I am so I'm not gonna leave.

"I love you, but I'm tired can we go to bed?" I ask getting out of his grip

"Yeah sure." He says shrugging

I am probably just over exaggerating.


SORRY for not posting for a while. But here this is it sucks but whatever. I know I said I was going to post on the salon more often but like I don't know what happened. But I am going to make a Nicky, Ricky Dicky, and dawn imagines book. 🤍

mike and chase ; imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now