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It was a nice sunny day Tom and Jake were taking a walk outside, they had just came back from hanging out with some of their friends and were exhausted. " hey Tom? Do you see that paper at our doorstep?" Jake said looking at the door confused. They both walked up to the doorstep and saw it was a letter. " we're you expecting anything jake?" Tom said opening the letter. They both read the letter and realized what it was, " oh!, it looks like a invitation to the camp we met! It looks like they are hosting a reunion party" jake said while looking excited. They both walked into their house and laid the letter on a table.
Days went by and more of the former contestants started receiving their invitations and started accepting and declining the offer. "Yes, my plan is working I have tricked 12 out of the 14 former contestants and they will all pay for what they did" jensen said while making a second card with the time and date.
Jensen rented a bus and starting to pick up the contestants and started driving to the abandoned camp. " we're here everyone off!" Jensen said in a rude tone and everyone got off the bus, "this place looks different" Ellie said while looking at the run down sign " let not hesitate anymore, let's just get this over with" Alec said in a low toned voice. Everyone started walking over to the cabin. Everyone separated into girls in one cabin and the guys in the other, will was very scared he didn't really have anyone to talk to and was apart from Ashley. Will decided to take a walk and sat at the lake and that's when things turned for the worse.

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