The Beginning

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It's been one month. One month since the summer started. Getting up from my bed I walked to the restroom brushing my teeth before looking into the mirror. Two purple eyes staring back at me lacking any hint of emotion or warmth, having cried most of what I cared about when Professor Fig died and when Sebastian was taken away.

I turned the faucet on and washed my face drying it and leaving to get changed. Looking into the wardrobe I grabbed a white blouse along with a black skirt adorned with white branches traveling the cover of the black canvas. I grabbed a cloth bracelet and put it around my left wrist to cover the bruises I had been given from Rookwood.

I took the braid out of my hair and combed through it leaving some of my natural curls on display. When I finished I sat at my dining table waiting. An owl flew through the open window and dropped a letter on the pile of letters stacked atop my counter. She came over and landed in front of me. I pet her back softly before she flew back through the window.

Four hours. I could hear a loud knocking taking me out of my endless thoughts. My door was unlocked and I didn't feel as though I had enough strength to answer the door for her.
"Come in!" My voice cracked from it not being used recently. I could hear the doorknob turn and I looked around not surprised to see Nurse Blainey.
"Hello, would you like some tea?" I asked in an emotionless tone slowly rising from my seat.
"No, that's alright. I think it would be best if we get your checkup over with Miss Sterling." She replied setting her bag on the dining table.

I sat back in my seat sighing softly.
"Very well then. What's first?" I asked in the same tone as before. She looked at me a little bewildered when she saw my piercing cold eyes.
"I'm just going to be asking you a few questions, and then depending on how it goes I'll revisit in about a week to do a physical analysis." My foot started tapping against the wooden floor and I answered.
"Sounds easy enough."

She nodded and grabbed a notepad and quill from her bag.
"Due to recent history in covering up the truth about your health it will be required that you take a truth serum." My face dropped for a second before it returned to its previous blank expression. I nodded and she handed me a small vial. Putting the vial to my lips it ran down my throat and I softly gagged, due to my stomach not being able to take anything in so fast. Nurse Blainey looked at me suspiciously before writing something in her notepad.

"So... Ainsley. Have you been eating regularly?" She looked at me up and down eyeing my slim figure.
"N-no I h-haven't." I looked down in shame my expression remaining the same.
"Ok. Have you been keeping in touch with your friends?" She looked at me as though she already knew the answer.
"No, I haven't. They've been sending me letters but I haven't bothered to reply to them let alone read them. All the letters are in a pile over there." I said pointing at the counter full of letters.

"What have you been doing this past month?" I looked at her coldly upset that I had to do any of this. Why couldn't I have just died in the fight along with Professor Fig?
"I haven't been doing anything Nurse Blainey." Again she wrote something in her journal. She ripped a page from her notepad.
"Is it ok if I use your owl?" I whistled and watched my owl fly up to me.
"Of course." She quickly wrote something on the paper before waving her wand attaching the letter to my owls leg. We sat there in silence. About 1 hour went by but I didn't care, I was trapped in my dark thoughts wishing I was dead. My owl, Aella, flew in dropping another letter on the table directly in front of Nurse Blainey. She untied the letter reading it seemingly satisfied before rolling it back up.

Confused but not really caring I looked at the wooden floor of the house I had been staying in.
"Your friend Poppy Sweeting has agreed to let you stay with her and her grandmother for the remainder of the summer." She told me nonchalantly.
"Excuse me!? You can't just send me somewhere!" My voice was icy cold and slightly threatening.
"Actually I can. As you are well aware you are underage and without a guardian. I have already discussed with the ministry about moving you to a different location for several weeks ago and have agreed."

I got up knocking my chair down.
"Ainsley. I think this will be good for you. Poppy said that she would floo over here tomorrow afternoon to make sure you arrive there safely. I also told her that it would be amazing if she could invite your other friends to help you get back into your social routine again." She paused watching me for a brief second. Is she serious right now!?

"You're kidding! I'm not going there. I don't want to pretend like nothing happened! Because everything happened! I haven't talked to these people in a month! And you want me to act like we're best friends!? After everything that's happened!?" My voice was filled with anger and sadness, tears falling down my now angry face.
"You don't have to act like nothing happened, this stuff takes time. You need to allow your body and mind to heal from everything you've experienced this past year. You're clearly not doing well here! This could be exactly what you need! You can't keep starving yourself and dwelling on the past!" I gulped taking in her words.

I looked through the window to see the moon shining in the dark sky.
"May I be excused?" My tears had already dried and I blankly stared into her sorrowful eyes.
"Not yet. Please take a seat." I picked my chair up sitting down obediently. Nurse Blainey got up looking in the icebox and frowned at the contents of it before grabbing some cold soup.
"Listen, I don't expect you to eat much but you have to have something. I will write to Poppy in a few days to ask how you are doing, until then please eat and try to get better." She looked at me pleadingly.

She looked into her bag and grabbed a small vial filled with bluish liquid. I took it hastily wanting to get it over with but nearly gagged and had to slow down as I drank it.

It's been five minutes. She looked at me pleased the moment I had finished it but soon asked me another question.
"Ainsley. Last year, who would you say was your best friend?" I dropped my gaze even more sick than I had in my life.
"My best friend was Sebastian."

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