My Arrival

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After I told her that we sat in sorrowful silence before Nurse Blainey excused herself leaving the small house. The door shut and I remained sitting in the chair for a few minutes. I looked outside seeing the bright sunset, and I got up from my seat heading to the bathroom.

As I entered the bathroom I grabbed my comb off the sink counter. I combed my hair putting it in its nightly braid. Finishing the braid I turned the faucet filling the bath. Taking off my garments I slowly stepped into the bath and laid there washing my body. About 15 minutes later I got up from the tub and dried myself off before putting my night gown on.

Right after I finished getting dressed I brushed my teeth before writing a letter to the first person in a month.

Dear Ominis,

I will be staying at Poppy Sweeting's house for the remainder of the summer, I have gotten your letters however I have not read any of them. I apologize. I'm not currently in a good mental state and am being forced to leave the house I've been staying at. Each day I feel as though the power I took in from the repository is taking over, it's becoming difficult to care about anything. I'm worried. I think if I can learn to truly possess this power I can heal Anne. We really need to talk.

Sincerely, Ainsley

I opened the window in my bedroom and lightly whistled, a few moments later Aella arrived hooting at me happily seeing the letter in my hand. Before I could wrap it around her ankle she excitedly grabbed it with her beak flying away.

Leaving the window open I walked to my bed and laid down going to sleep wondering if Ominis would even respond since I hadn't even bothered to read his. As I thought about this I had a sudden wave of guilt, but as soon as it came it had left and I was once again filled with the emptiness that I had experienced daily due to my lack of emotion recently.

I woke up late morning to Aella pecking at my pillow. My eyes slowly fluttered open and I patted her head quietly thanking her. Pulling the covers off I sat up and I noticed the letter next to me that Aella had brought. Picking up the letter opening it I realized the familiar writing on the paper.

He responded.

Dear Ainsley,

I'm relieved to hear you're still alive, I was very worried about you and I was beginning to believe that I had lost you along with Sebastian. I agree that we need to talk but I feel we should save most of our conversation for in-person. Regarding the situation with Anne I don't think you should try to heal her, there may be severe side effects on your side or both for that matter, it's not worth the risk to lose the both of you. I'm happy to hear that you will be staying with Poppy, I have a feeling that she will help greatly to improve both your mental and physical health. Let me know when we can meet up so we can discuss the other matters.

Sincerely, Ominis

I set the letter onto the bedside table and opened the wardrobe grabbing a nice green dress, changing into it when I entered the bathroom. Once I finished my daily routine I picked up a book from a shelf in the dining room, and began reading it.

Several hours had gone by and the sun had already set. I had given up reading 3 hours ago and just waited for her looking through the window. There was a floo station right in front of the house and so I waited, watching the stone waiting for Poppy.

I had looked away not even for a second when I heard a small squeal coming from the stone and something hitting the floor. Snapping my head back I saw Poppy clumsily getting up from the ground. As she stood up I could see her disheveled short brown hair that had some white feathers scattered around. She brushed her skirt off, a cloud of dirt flying off the surface as she did so.

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