A Warm Welcome?

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I landed in front of a dark rusted gate that was guarding the large black manor. Looking up at it I felt a small sense of dread as I opened the gate and stepped onto the property. Mist engulfed my body and I could barely see the ground in front of me. Walking along a stone path I could partially see overgrown grass and weeds surrounding the pathway leading all the way up to the door.

The front door was far closer than I had expected it to be, I guess the mist made it appear further away. Upon reaching the entrance there was a tall green door with a silver knocker, metal snakes were wrapped around the edge of the handle. On both sides of the door there were dirty white statues resembling a huge snake squeezing itself around a lion, killing it.

I gasped quietly unsure of what to think about this place, but reached my hand up to the knocker preparing to announce my arrival. Right as I was about to knock on the door it opened quickly, my hand falling into empty space returning to my side.

A tall pale women stood at the frame of the door, her dark raven hair reflecting the little light that shown through the mist. Her eyes were blue and she had pretty curtain bangs framing her facial features. She was beautiful.

She stared at me perplexed until something clicked, she pulled me into a tight hug and pushed her hand against my back.
"Buon giorno! Tu sei Ainsley vero!?" I looked at her perplexed, what on earth had she just said?
"I'm sorry, what?" She let go of me quickly answering my question.
"I said good morning sweetheart! Oh how lovely it is to see you! You look just like your mother at that she!" She had a sweet smile on her face and she ushered me in no doubt about to introduce me to everyone.

I gaped at the inside of the manor, large chandeliers were hanging in the foyer brightening the area. To the left was a hallway and we walked through it into the living room.

The moment my eyes laid sight on the living room the mumbles of people got louder as they talked about me. There was a small group of girls gossiping and knitting at a table, on the opposite side was a boy my age as well as an elderly man playing chess. There were a few people eating and reading by the fireplace in the far right corner of the room.

Looking to my left I whispered in the women's ear that let me in.
"Sorry to bother, but I don't remember catching your name?" I asked hoping to find my relation to her.
"Sorry, I'm Haizlee, your Aunt." She replied happily. She hugged me lightly before raising her voice and quieting the room.

We walked around the room and she introduced me to people, but one in particular caught my attention.

"Ainsley, this is Alexander Malfoy. His family is friends with our uncle. She told me, her thick Italian accent surfacing. I turned my attention towards him and he smirked at me before speaking.
"It's wonderful to meet you Ainsley, you can call me Alex if you'd like." He said in a charming voice making my cheeks burn. I nodded turning away from his gaze, but as I did I could hear him chuckle charmingly.

Haizlee looked at the clock by the entry and dismissed herself while saying she had to run an errand for her work. I waved goodbye and stayed in the company of Alex.

Alex and I talked about ourselves getting to know each other but he was soon called over by an old man who was earlier introduced as my grandfather. He walked over immediately and I awkwardly followed. I stood to the side listening at first but soon redirecting my attention to something more interesting.

Looking out the window I could see a beautiful rose bush, their thorns barely visible.

After awhile I noticed the sky getting noticeably darker and I looked around the room to see everyone still talking. Alex apparently seeing I was paying attention gently grabbed my arm turning my attention towards him.
"It's time for me to leave, but perhaps we could chat at Hogwarts?" He asked with a questioning smile.
"Of course, I'll see you then. Goodbye." I replied politely.

He smiled sweetly saying goodbye, though I couldn't help but feel something unsettling about it almost as if it was two-sided.

I ignored the feeling and looked out the front window watching him enter his carriage and leave. Waiting for Haizlee to arrive I tried interacting with my family only to be left out of the conversation and getting funny looks every few seconds.

Thankfully Haizlee arrived soon and I was practically attached to her side while she socialized. Soon enough we sat down at the table when the dinner bell had rung Haizlee sitting on my right side while my uncle sat to my left.

For the majority of our dinner we sat in silence before my uncle spoke finally breaking it. He turned to me preparing to speak by clearing his throat.
"Ainsley, I know you were expecting to meet your godparents today but I'm afraid something came up and they won't be here for a few days." His old croaky voice was very formal and I sadly nodded. Haizlee reassuringly rubbed my back before finishing the rest of her food.

When everyone finished 3 house elves came clearing the plates from the table and heading back to the kitchen. With dinner being done Haizlee led me up a winding staircase and down a dark hallway.

At the end of the hallway she opened a door and gestures for me to enter. I walked in and I gasped seeing the beauty of the room. I looked at her my mouth open in awe and I could see her beautiful smile.
"This will be your permanent room, if you wish to decorate it you can tell me and I'll get you the supplies for it." She said kindly.
"If you ever need me my rooms right next door." She said pointing to the left wall. She gave me a calming hug before saying goodnight and shutting the door behind her.

I looked around the room and saw a beautiful queen size bed with curtains drooped around the sides, on both sides of it were bedside tables with elegant looking lamps as well as a small pile of books on one of them. Beside the door was a large wardrobe and when I looked inside it I could see my trunk and I decided to hang my clothes up. After hanging all of my clothes I grabbed my night gown and slippers heading to the second for which I guess was a bathroom. It was.

Stepping into the bathroom I turned the faucet of the shower and waited for it to heat up. While I waited I put my hair in a messy bun so I wouldn't get it wet, some of my curls still sticking out. Feeling that the water was warm enough I got in and stayed there several minutes calming myself.

Turning the water off I stepped out, drying myself I put my nightgown on and my feet entered the fuzzy purple slippers. Taking the bun out I grabbed my brush and got all the tangled out. I've I had finished doing my usual nightly routine I exited the bedroom and quietly walked around the house.

During my exploration of the house I passed a room hearing faint mumbling. Walking closer I pressed my ear to a door and I could barely make out what they were saying.
"I swear if you say a single word to her you will be cut from this family! Do you hear me!?" Someone yelled in a whisper shout making it increasingly hard to understand the person as their voice was already muffled by the door.
"Yes, I understand." It was Haizlee I realized, her voice sounded so sad and defeated.
"Good. Now go to bed I have no need for you right now." The other person demanded. I could hear a shuffling of footsteps and I ran to my room as quietly as possible shutting the door and turning the lights off.

I tossed and turned for several hours until I finally fell asleep, almost forgetting about what was happening.

Sorry I haven't posted in so long. When I first wrote this chapter I felt like I had to rush through it and it didn't turn out the way I wanted it. I've been editing it for awhile now and I'm satisfied I hope you enjoyed it!

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