A Day In Hogsmeade

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I woke up at 8:45. When I opened my eyes everything I saw was blurred, I rubbed my eyes a few times before my vision became clear, I groaned turning to my side, my back popping from each movement I made. I laid on my bed for a little more than 20 minutes still waking up. After ages I finally got up and made my bed entering the washroom once I had finished.

Looking into my trunk I grabbed a large white shirt and some black trousers. Putting my hair into a loose bun I grabbed my broom getting ready to practice my flying.

As soon as I walked down the stairs I was greeted by my grandfather who had a confused and slightly irritated look on his face.

"What are you wearing? That is improper for a young lady like yourself!" He said sternly eyeing my outfit.
"Do you not have anything else to wear?" He asked with an attitude.
"Not really." I said looking down feeling as though I already messed up.

"Very well then." I watched him waiting to see if he would say anything else but he instead grabbed a little bell from his pocket and rang it. Almost immediately after the bell rang a red headed girl around my age appeared next to him.
"Rose please excuse my granddaughter around Hogsmeade for the day and help her get some decent clothes." Looking at me he snarled before going into the dining room.

"Hi Rose, my name is Ainsley. It's nice to meet you." I said offering my hand to her. She shook my hand gently before gesturing my way to the front door.

Before we went outside I put my broom down and followed her onto a black carriage. The driver wiped the horses and they started walking to the gate. As soon as we made our way through the gate the mist cleared and I could see the bright clear sky along with some clouds.

The ride was quick and quiet letting me take in the view along the way. As we came to a stop the driver got off his seat and opened the door for Rose and I to leave.

We spent most of the day in Madame Malkine's dress shoppe paying for things from a bag of wizard money that my grandfather gave to me in hopes to make me a "proper young lady". My favorite dress that I got was a light greenish blue color and was by far the simplest thing I had gotten.

After getting fitted for the outfits my grandfather had apparently already ordered we payed and reaching the outside of the shoppe we saw the sun still high in the sky. Over the time in Madame Malkine's I was able to get Rose to open up and talk to me, so while we walked around Hogsmeade we made jokes with each other and we went to the Three Broomsticks. Before walking in I grabbed a copy of the daily prophet from a wood stack near the entrance. Walking in we took a seat at a stool.

Not long after a nice lady came up to us writing our order down before leaving. She came back with our butterbeer soon after and we happily drank it.

The woman was still there and I noticed the way she looked really confused.
"Sorry can I help you?" I asked as politely as I could.
"Ainsley." She said seeming even more confused.
"How do you know my name? I've never met you before." I said, looking at her a saw small tears glistening in her eyes wanting to fall out.
"So it is true, you really don't remember." She said a single tear sliding down her face. Was she talking about my memories from the last year?

"Remember what?" I asked nervously waiting for the answer wondering if there were anymore secrets I had forgotten.
"I suppose it would be easier for you when Sebastian returns since you've forgotten." She said mumbling to herself. Rose tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to the daily prophet no doubt finding something to do with the odd conversation. Before going to read the paper I saw that the last had left to take someone else's order. I turned my direction to Rose and began reading but I soon stopped when I saw the name.

"Sebastian, former friend of the Hogwarts Hero has recently been released from Azkaban due to evidence that we have found that leads us to believe he was framed for the death of his uncle. With this he will return back to Hogwarts with an Auror by his side whenever he leaves the castle. We find it unfair that if he is not found guilty that we would have deprived this poor boy the right to live the way he should."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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