The Third Day

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Mabels Dream

Mabel ran through the forest after her brother. Her sock opera had just finished with her tiring Bill out and setting off the rockets. When she had turned back to her brother, she saw Bipper's glowing eyes as he ran out of the exit door.

"Meet me at the water tower Shooting Star. I've got a gift for you" said Bipper with a wide smile.

She had run after him without a second thought despite the calls of Gabe, her Grunkle Stan, Wendy, Soos, Candy, and Grenda telling her to come back. She ran as quick as she could to the water tower and got there just in time to see Bipper standing on the rail while smiling down at her.

"Get out of my brother you evil jerk!" shouted Mabel with worry clear on her face.

Bipper simply ignored her.

"Hey, shooting star. You had a good play, but I thought the ending was a bit lacking. What do you say we make a more exciting finale." said Bipper leaning one foot off the edge.

Suddenly Mabel heard multiple footsteps and turned to see that everyone at her play was now walking up to the water tower. She spotted her Grunkle Stan and immediately ran over to him.

"Grunkle Stan, somethings wrong with Dipper." said Mabel worriedly.

Stan gave her a confused look.

"What are you talking about kiddo. Isn't this part of your show?" asked Stan holding up a pamphlet.

Mabel took the pamphlet and read it over. Sure enough, meeting at the water tower was the set to be the final part of her play, but she hadn't written that. She looked up at Bipper who flashed her a knowing/insane smile, and then it hit her. There was an hour where Bipper who she thought was her brother at the time had been missing. He had added to the acts of her play and made sure that everyone knew to come here for the finale.

"Welcome everyone. First, of all let's give my dear sister a round of applause for her spectacular performance so far." said Bipper clapping his hands.

Everyone began clapping and whistling, but Mabel could only stare in shock and horror at Bipper. She never thought she'd see the day when hearing her brother call her his sister would feel so wrong. It felt so cold compared to the warm tone Dipper usually used it with.

'This is Bill, not Dipper.' thought Mabel reminding herself.

It may have been Dipper's body, but this was undoubtedly Bill in control.

"Now, I know for most shows the fireworks would have been the end, but she convinced me of an even greater ending. So, who's ready for the final act: The Great Fall." said Bipper.

Everyone began cheering as Bipper smiled even wider than before. Mabel watched as Bipper looked to his left.

"Don't look so down Pinetree. None of this would have been possible without your body so let me show you, my gratitude." said Bipper leaning backwards off the edge as his hand engulfed in blue flames reached out to grab something.

"DON'T DO IT!" shouted Mabel, but it was too late.

Bipper fell backwards off the water tower laughing insanely all the while. Immediately whatever cheering there was before cut short as everyone gained looks of horror, and shock. About halfway down Mabel noticed Bill's glowing eyes go away and Dipper's brown, worrying eyes flashed into her view. Bill had given Dipper back his body just in time for his life to end. Dipper tried to break his fall with anything but hit the ground with a terrible crunch. Mabel screamed.

Teen Room

Mabel's body shot up as she opened her eyes. Tears immediately began flowing from her eyes as her body shook. Her brother. Her brother who she loved more than anything else in this world could have died, and it would have been all her fault because of some stupid boy. She wanted to cry but stopped when she realized that she was right next to Luz. She checked her phone really quick and saw that only 2 hours had passed since she fell to sleep. If she wasn't going to wake them up before she definitely wasn't now. They all needed the rest. She looked around the room doing a head count and noticed that Dipper was gone. The door was slightly open as well. Without making much noise she got up and tip toed out the door. There was a faint light in the distance from the kitchen, and Mabel walked that way. When she got there, she saw her brother sitting alone at the table with heavier eye bags then she's ever seen anyone have under his eyes. She couldn't begin to imagine how little sleep he had gotten. 1 hour, 30 minutes, 15 minutes. Whatever the case was it surely wasn't good for him. He needed the sleep. Mabel quietly tried to walk back to the room, but stopped when she heard Dipper's voice.

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