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It had been two weeks and finally Sana touched down in New York with Regina and Jay. She looked around and smiled. "It actually feels good to be back."

"Does it.. New York is full of fools, I much prefer the men in Dubai." She said with a cheeky glint in her eye.

"Do you wanna stay at my place tonight?." Sana asked, it's a little late to be heading all the way across town for you?."

"Yeah, I need to a strong drink and then bed." She said and they hailed a cab.

Sana looked out of the window. She had missed it, she was in a way quite happy to be back. She decided to stay in New York as she was already set up here with a really nice apartment and her office just five minutes from where she lived. She hadn't spoken to Jay or Dave since they left Dubai two weeks ago. But she knew that they both had a very busy schedules and that they weren't in any kind of relationship and also she was a very busy woman too. They would be in contact when they needed her and she was quite happy with that.

After a short cab ride they finally arrived back at Sana's New York place of residence. Regina was first into the lounge kicking off her heels and flopping onto the sofa absolutely worn out from their journey. " I just feel like I need to sleep for 1 million years" she said.

Sana looked out of the window, The view from her building was much the same as it was in Dubai she could see the whole of the lower Manhattan skyline it was definitely a very beautiful place. She put Jay in his crib and left him to sleep and then she walked back out a few minutes later to Regina who was already sound asleep on the sofa. She decided to leave her there and head off to her own room to sleep.


Regina was already up with Jay the next morning as Sana walked in from her room. "Here's Mommy"

He giggled and moved towards her in Regina's arms. Sana knew her boy wanted her cuddles so she hugged him in. "Hey baby boy" she said and kissed the top of his head.

" so what is your plan for today?" Regina asked her

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" so what is your plan for today?" Regina asked her.

" i'll go back into the office today make sure everyone is aware that I'm not working out of the New York office again. Then I guess I'll just slip back into my old ways and carry on with my life."

"It's crazy that the press and the paparazzi doesn't even know JJ is Games son, if they did they would have a field day with this."

" that was one of the reasons I moved out of New York, no one knew me in Dubai so it was quite easy to just get on with my life and raise my son away from peoples watchful eyes. Hopefully the stories that they heard about me and him and me and Dave have died a death since I've been gone" she said.

" well I'm going to head back to my place, I guess I'll see you...

" you could always move in with me, I'm not here a lot of the time, I'm either in business meetings or in hotels. It would be good if I had something established for Jay, and with you being here, well, that means I would come home instead of relying on nannies to look after my son." She said.

Regina thought about it. "Paid?"

"Rent free and I'll pay you to nanny Jay." Sana said. "You're my best friend Regina.. I've loved having you around."

Regina smiled from ear to ear. "Then youve got me, when do I start?."

" well I will need to go back to the office today to sort out things and to see where I stand. I will be able to work from home and be in the office. So today?" She said to her.

Regina was more than happy, she loved being around Sana and baby Jay. They had both become very close over their time in Dubai and she was glad that they could carry on being as close as sisters back here in New York too.


Sana walked back into her office in New York. Jade greeted her with a beaming smile and a hug. "It is so good to see you, I am so glad that you're back" she said. "How are you, and lil man?."

"We're good, I was hoping to go over the books here and see how business has been doing in NY while I've been in Dubai." Sana said. "Can you get everything together for me, for the past 6 months, I want it presented in PowerPoint and I need profit and loss figure on the sheets also..

"Damn she cracks the whip here!."
Sana turned and saw Dave.

"I'll get on to it for you Sana." Jade said as she walked towards the door.

"Jade." Sana said and she turned to look at her. "You've done an amazing job while I've been gone.. well done.. I appreciate your hard work and it won't go unnoticed." She smiled.

"Yo ass is as bossy as hell up in here..." he put his hands on her desk and looked at her. "As long as you know who owns you outside of this setting."

She smiled at him

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She smiled at him. "What can I do for you daddy? She said and bit her lip seductively.

"I wanted to see how my princess was doing back here in New York..." he looked at her skirt. "Come here."

Sana walked round to where he was standing. He put his hand up her skirt and he shook his head. "Panties?..

"Well I wasn't expecting to see you today...

"Take them off...


"Now." He held his hand out. "And give them to me" she handed him her underwear and he put them in his pocket. He smirked. "Me and Jay have decided that the collar we said you only wear with us, we want you to wear it at all times even when we aren't around, it'll make us all feel connected and closer to you when we can't be.. and you'll always know who you belong too"

"As if I could forget." She mumbled.

"I'll be punishing yo ass if you carry on princess." He said. "And I'll be seeing you at yo place tonight...

Sana smiled at him. Loving the thrill of what she knew he was about to do next.
He sat her up on her desk, hitching her skirt up. He let his buttons open on his jeans and as his fingers gently rubbed at her spot and they looked deep into each other's eyes, he pushed into her, fucking her there, her desk moving across the room with every thrust. She put her arms around his neck and moved with him, as he grabbed her throat and held it as he fucked her...

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