The day I lost my balls

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It happened around the time I got home after getting a frooty slooshy from 9/11 down from the base. I thought it would be another normal day of sittin in da house and watching my favorite movie again.

As I shut the door behind me my master marched out of the kitchen to probably tell me some really boring mission stuff I don't remember. Master put on his outing disguise and told me to c'mon along cuz I already had mine on though he had a leash put onto me. The only times mastor made me wear a leash was when we are doing a far from home mission.

Next thing I remember is being dragged along the gray grass it was fun until it came to a stop. The bright lights outside turned off for a moment as Mary came up and talked to my master. Mary's massive head made a funny lookin shadow over my face. They argue like how they usually do until I guess Mary said something that made master ask a bunch of a lot of a lot of questions they were talking for hours.

Next thing after they talked master started walking very fast but to the way back home. When he got there he told me to stay and ran into the house. So I sitted but as soon as I sat he ran back out. He told me he had a change of plans and that we're now going to go to a veat. I thought he said voot and we were going to smell space again but nooo it wasn't I was so sad. So we start walking again I think master was lost but didn't want to do anything so we walk more and more until we got to wherever we were going.

We walked in and the place smelt so good it smelly like my friends. It was also cold and not warm like the regular gray grass outside. Master walked up to a cooky lady she was so silly looking and tells my master to go to a room. The room looked so joyus with kitty's and flowers on the wall.

We waited some more master told more plans more stuff I was walking around until he yelled at me to sit on the thing cuz the lady told him too I didn't want to sit. After sitting and sittin a man walks in with a lady too They walk in so happy looking they're smile was wide like the makeup ladies at our porch. They put on some disguises like master and told him if he wanted to stay or not. Master chooses and the people put ropes onto my legs and arms and the lady held me in her arms and petting and sobbing. Her joyus was gone I became sad too. But then I got worried cause the other dude went away and got som tools.

All my scared ness and worries stopped as my sensors were shut off and I fell asleep. I waked up later and we was at our base again I was a little confused but master seemed to be normal so it's okie. I got up to run around but it hurt when I took a big step. I screamed and master told me to quite and that it's only temporary I ask what happened he said alot of long words I don't know of and the waved out a paper to show off. I give up and walk to grab the DVDs to watch but then I looked down to see why I hurt and I relize that i was missing something. I started running around no matter how bad the pain felt I ran around looking for a long time but I couldn't find it.

I asked master if he could help me find it but he said find what and I said my butt was missing. He laughed and said don't worry that it was for the better good of the research of humans and animal relationships but I still asked where did it go he told me that they took my balls. My balls where what went missing. The scary doctor dude took my balls after I went to sleep. I got so angy I yelled at my master to give me them back he said he couldn't I cried for a long time. Nothing will ever be the same without my balls. I made master do a funeral for my balls he was annoyed but did it anyways.

That's how I lost my balls

By gir

By gir

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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