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(I'll split each paragraph into chapters as its a bit confusing )

Baekhyun's POV:

The strong wind blows past my cheeks leaving a burning sensation which is soon soothed with the feeling of tears running down my cheeks. I caress the granite stone in front of me with the photo of my dearest brother nailed on.

 "How could you leave Baekbeom?..."

 a whimper leaves my mouth after a sob arises from my throat. 

"It's so empty here without you.." 

I point to my chest where my heart is located. The rumble of the sky above me brings me out of my thoughts and sorrows.

 "I have to go now Baekbeom, I'll see you tomorrow again after school."

 I whisper to no-one in particular besides a lifeless piece of stone. I pick up my long forgotten bike and make my way back on the concrete footpath. And then my legs start peddling my way back home. Probably empty...

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