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Baekhyun's POV:

The radiant sun had spread its rays when I awoke. 

I arose from my covers with a smile on my face for once. 

Everything felt warm and my heart felt content.

 Chanyeol had really kept his promise and made me smile again. I felt butterflies in my stomach just thinking about him.. 

"Maybe this is love or just the power of friendship.."

 I wasn't quite sure but one thing was and that was the fact that I was glad to meet him again today. With the thought of him on my mind, I immediately jumped out from under the covers and rushed to my bathroom to get ready. 

I dressed to impress for once, pulling out one of my silk button ups and black jeans. 

I looked decent, I had to admit. 

I rushed down and for once actually ate breakfast as I was early, 

"Maybe Chanyeol is good for me.."

 I closed the door behind me and walked the way to the nearby convenience store, going to the aisle where the snacks were sold.

 I picked up the pizza flavoured potato chips and went to pay for them at the counter, one of Chanyeol's favourite foods ever since our younger years. 

Once I had finally finished my extra business, I finally made my way to the bus stop and waited for it to arrive. 

My life was finally changing and this was all because of Chanyeol and his happy virus... I felt good for once ever since Baekbeom left...

-Almost the end, Eliza

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