Chapter 3: Enchantment Unveiled

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Kura's presence was enigmatic, his eyes filled with a curiosity that matched Jade's own. As their conversation flowed effortlessly, a connection formed between them. Little did Jade know, Adrian was no ordinary man – he possessed the ability to perceive the latent potential within people. He saw the sparks of brilliance in her drawings and sensed a destiny waiting to be ignited. As Jade steps inside she is attacked by a Cute Fluffy Dog, kura chuckle as he tells Ponyo to go lay down he then gestures to Jade to follow him as he gives her a tour, he notices jade eyes wide as the place lit up in the dark. "and this is your room, the studio is right opposite so if you wanna explore that Tomorrow you can, however i suggest maybe so rest first." he eyes soften as word roll out of his tongue". Jade nods as Kura slowly walk away to his room, leaving Jade to take in everything that happened.

As dawn approaches, Jade is woken up by a cold tongue licking her face, she opens her eyes and sees Ponyo, she smiles at him and strokes him, smelling a sweet fragrance in the air. "Which pancakes are those?". " ponyo shell, where is that coming from". She and Ponyo look at each other and rush to follow the trail. As Jade approaches the kitchen, she sees Kura cooking in a pink apron and singing. In a low voice, Jade snickers, "I'm glad to see that you're awake and feeling better" he said, "Come try the pancake, then we'll get started on work, I wanna see what you'll come up with." They begin to eat breakfast and continue the convocation from the night before.  Kura get up and begging to head towards to studio jade follows suit. as they step inside the studio jade stand in the middle of the room looking around and taken in the energy from the room. when she is snapped out of it by Kura pressenst standing behind her, her heart begins to  flutter  shed quick move away " so what will you be teaching me,and how will this help me find my spark" her words sprawled out of her mouth without thinking. " well each day i'll help you honest a skill and build up the balance between you and the brush,so that you can draw with beautiful picture with out all the harsh shadows. he said with a gentle smile on his face.

"ok? i don't see how painting, pottery and tai chi will help, but i oddly feels close to you.. i... mean like... i trust you." she awkedely laugh hoping he didn't notice the last part.

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