chapter 11:Brushstrokes of Memories

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The passage of time had done little to quell the ache in Kura's heart, the longing for the connection he had once shared with Jade. Lenzi's warning echoed in his mind, a constant reminder of the boundaries that fate had placed between them. One day, as Kura stood in the presence of Lenzi, she fixed him with a stern gaze. "Kura, you mustn't allow yourself to get too close to Jade. Her memories are delicate, and any sudden shock could trigger their return."Kura's jaw tightened as he nodded, the weight of his responsibility pressing heavily upon him. "I understand, Lenzi. I'll do my best to keep my distance."

Meanwhile, in the Realm of everyday, Jade's life continued to unfold. The encounter with the mysterious man at her art show remained etched in her mind, a puzzle piece that refused to fit. The sense of familiarity gnawed at her, and she found herself lost in thought, the image of the enigmatic man resurfacing in her dreams. Night after night, Jade would wake from vivid dreams, fleeting memories that danced just beyond her grasp. She began to sketch these dreams in a small pad she kept by her bedside – images of a studio, enchanted moment and teaching, and a pair of eyes that held a depth of emotion she couldn't quite fathom.

"I have to force myself to remember,what this mean maybe it will sole this ache i've alway had". One sunny day, Jade sat in a quaint coffee shop, her thoughts drifting as she waited for her drink at the counter. Her sketchpad lay open before her, the pages filled with intricate drawings that told a story only she could decipher. Unbeknownst to Jade, Kura had followed her from a distance, his heart yearning for a glimpse of the woman he had come to love. As she turned away, he seized the opportunity to sneak a peek at her sketchpad. His eyes widened, and a gasp escaped his lips as he beheld the images before him –  the memories they had once painted together. A surge of hope and disbelief coursed through him – could it be that Jade was beginning to remember on her own?  Days turned into weeks, and Jade's sketches multiplied, the vivid imagery telling a tale that spanned beyond her conscious understanding. One evening, she found herself sitting in the park, her sketchpad in her lap. The sound of water trickling from a nearby fountain seemed to beckon her, a familiar whisper that tugged at her senses.

Without hesitation, Jade's fingers moved across the page, recreating the fountain in intricate detail. Her strokes became fluid, as if guided by an unseen force, and as the image took shape, a rush of memories washed over her like a tidal wave. Images of Kura, the moment they shared – they flooded Jade's mind with a force she couldn't resist. Tears welled up in her eyes as she traced the lines of her drawing, her heart swelling with a mix of emotions.  

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