Chapter 9 : Consequence

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The morning sun cast a soft, golden glow on Jades Face, suddenly kura is interrupted by Lanzi who guest him to come step outside to speak. Jade's peaceful slumber was disrupted by a distant murmur, a voice that carried a hint of tension. As her eyes fluttered open, she found herself alone in the room, as she looks search the bed beside her is  empty. Confusion tugged at Jade's heart as she got up, her steps leading her to the studio where she had spent countless hours creating art. Jade's presence went unnoticed for a moment as she watched the exchange between Kura and Lenzi, a knot of worry forming in her chest. "You crossed a line, Kura," Lenzi's voice was stern, her eyes fixed on him with disappointment and frustration. Kura's jaw tightened, his expression a blend of defiance and regret. "I know what I did, Lenzi. But it's not that simple." Lenzi's voice held a note of warning as she interrupted, her eyes narrowing on Kura. "Kura, you broke the biggest rule."  Lenzi's gaze flickered towards the studio entrance, finally noticing Jade's presence. Her lips curled into a knowing smile, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Ah, Jade. Joining the conversation, I see."

Jade's brows furrowed, a sense of unease settling over her. Kura's gaze held hers, his eyes filled with a mixture of longing and regret. "Jade, I must confess. We... we crossed a boundary that we shouldn't have." Jade's heart sank, the weight of his words settling like a stone in her chest. "What do you mean?"

 Kura's voice was soft, his words heavy with a sense of consequence. "We... shared an intimate moment, Jade. And in doing so, we broke  the no.1 rule that governs my role as a guide." Jade's eyes widened, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. "But why? I thought..." Lenzi's voice held a note of finality as she interjected, her gaze unwavering. "Jade, this connection, as beautiful as it is, carries consequences. Jade's heart raced, a sense of panic rising within her. "What does that mean? What will happen?"

 Lenzi's expression softened, her voice gentle yet laden with gravity. "Jade, there are measures we must take to ensure the balance is restored. there is no choice but to intervene – to erase your memories of your time with him." Jade's breath caught in her throat, a surge of disbelief washing over her. "No... You can't be serious." Kura's voice was filled with remorse as begs lanzi not to do this. 

Lenzi's gaze held a hint of compassion as she met Jade's eyes. "Jade, you won't lose everything. Memories of the joy and love, your passion for art – those will remain. But the connection between you and Kura, as painful as it is, must be severed. it will be as though you dream it." As Jade's tears fell, Lenzi's voice held a note of reassurance, though it was accompanied by an undeniable sadness. "Jade, sometimes, destiny requires sacrifices we can't fully understand. But remember, the beauty of your art, the passion you've discovered – those will continue to be a part of you."

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