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AN: OH YALL ARE SO READY IK IT. The overwhelming love for the last chapter? guyssss you're too precious. like genuinely. pls go outside and have some fresh air.

Also we have art again bc I love spoiling y'all

The commotions of Kitty Section travelled along the Seine as the sun became a flattening teardrop on the horizon. This looming darkness mirrored the inner workings of Adrien Agreste while he sat amongst his friends, the sight of Luka over his shoulder like a speck in the corner of his eye he couldn't rub away. He didn't know how much longer he could pretend to be present in the news of the Mecha-Strike-Four release while his girlfriend who hated him watched an emo-guitarist try to make gooey eyes at her.

Each time he wanted to look over his shoulder – check if Marinette was throwing her head back in laughter with a bright, lovely face at Alya's joke, or had finally turned her attention towards the stage – he took a sip of his juice instead. He'd had three cups now.

"I wanted to buy it for Alix as a surprise but I don't know if she's into those gestures."

"Of course she'd like it!" roared Nino, who prided himself on being an expert in women. "Girls love surprises. Every time I get Alya food and don't eat it all before getting to her, she's in love with me all over again."

Kim fiddled with the sweatband on his wrist. "But you guys are really romantic. Alix and I haven't been dating long and I'm just... I'm—"

"What, scared?" Nino laughed, ribbing him.


"It's one hundred percent normal to be nervous about it, Kim," Max spoke up, and Kim hung his head low defeatedly. "Love is a really challenging concept, theoretically and actually. But since Alix really likes you and is also your good friend, you can be confident that she's going to like whatever nice thing you do for her as well!"

Confidence arrested his posture. "You're right, Max! I just need to find out what to do for her. Adrien—" His eyes flicked up, "—What kind of stuff do you do for Marinette?"

"Pff," Nino scoffed, "why not ask me? I've been dating Alya longer. No offence, dude." He slung his arm around Adrien. "But I'm sort of the love expert. I know women, okay? I'm a certified matchmaker. I even helped Adrien and Marinette get together."

Adrien squinted, "You did?"

All details of the fake-dating lore stumbled out of his brain. Nothing rang a bell – in fact, even in his most desperate state he didn't think he would put Nino in his story. He loved Nino, of course, but... yeah.

"Duh! When Alya and I started dating, the two had to spend all this time together. And it was my idea to write them kissing for the film festival. Now they call me Doctor Love."

Adrien's gaze sharpened. "No one calls you that."

Nino reclined on the beach chair. "You will." He grinned. "When you finally thank me."

"Actually," Max was looking at Adrien, who shifted in his seat, self-conscience that this conversation would involve more of Marinette and the lie that made his stomach flip when it was brought up, "how did you and Marinette finally resolve all those arguments?"

"Yeah! Did you do a grand romantic gesture? Like a surprise?" Kim shot up eagerly. "I need pointers. Because Alix is so cool but I just worry so much about not making her happy. How did you get Marinette to like you after all those times you guys fought?"

Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. Since sitting with his friends at the bow of the ship, he'd never quite still; there was always a tapping foot somewhere or the impatient opening and closing of a hand. "Uh," he looked idly at the swaying sea beside the railing and tried to recall how fast he could swim. "It was tough. Very tough. Took a while."

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