Born Again

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I get up early in the morning to read over my notes on baptism in my bible. It's not just a dunk in some water. It's symbolizing rebirth—a ceremony where you accept God into your heart and become reborn anew. Jesus was baptized. And now Lucy will be. Lucy will be reborn today.

I'm really hoping this will steer Lucy in the right direction. Though she calls herself the Devil, I don't see a Devil when I look into her eyes. I see someone who blames themselves for all the trauma they've been through and she does all these favors for people to please them. So she talks, acts, and does things that any troubled seventeen-year-old named Lucyfer hearing a voice claiming to be the Devil would do to cope. I'm hoping God of all beings can help her on this journey of redemption. And I'm hoping it starts today.

Although there is a reality that I may have to accept. One that I accepted with the presence of Jesus. The Devil may never leave Lucy's side. I've been on countless drugs. Multiple therapies. ECT. And yet, Jesus is still here. It's possible that baptism may not be enough the cleanse the Devil from Lucy.

It is different though. I have Jesus. She has the Devil. So hopefully this will work.

Delilah is the first to arrive at my house. I let her in and she takes a seat on my couch.

"I've been meaning to ask you about Lucy," I start. Delilah looks up waiting for me to ask, "What was it like when you guys first met?"

"Strange is a word I guess I could use to describe it. I was running away from my foster home for the hundredth time. When I came across a crossroads, I noticed a van. The back of the van opened and these two guys dressed in black pushed this naked woman into the center of the crossroads and drove off. The woman happened to be Lucy. I ran up to her, asking if she was okay and she acted like her normal Lucy self. Exuberant, sweet, funny. I took her back to my foster home, they took her in, and we started dating soon after that. Every time I tried to ask her about what happened that night she'd just switch the subject."

"It seems she has a lot of demons."

"Yeah. I wish she'd talk to someone about them. It seems like she likes you. So maybe you can get her to talk. Or at least get her to stop blaming herself for whatever happened during that time."

Someone knocks at the door. I open it and it's Squid. Squid enters and takes a seat next to Delilah.

"So how's this gonna work?" Squid asks, "Is there a river we're gonna go to or something?"

"No, it's too cold for that," I say, "They're gonna use inflatable hot tubs in the church."

Another knock at the door. This time it's Lucy wearing booty shorts and a black 'Dying Fetus' shirt that's see-through, showing that she's not wearing anything underneath. But she brought the towel I told her to.

"Looks like we're ready to go," I say to everyone, and we all make our way to my car.

The drive to Willow Creek's Church takes a while but enjoy the drive regardless. Delilah, Squid, and Lucy are all listening in the same session on a music streaming app together. Delilah offered for me to be a part of it by lending one of her earbuds but I declined. I wanted to be in silence.

I drive for about five minutes until I hear some interference with my radio. I ignore it, assuming it's just the crappy signal I get from up here in the mountains.

"Ju—My," the radio stutters, "Judas?"

I cock my head and move my attention to the radio.

"Judas can you hear me?" The radio asks.

Judas Dies At The End: The Souls We Choose To BeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt